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Manual Credit Card Imprinters...


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Is it possible to still use this method of credit card transactions? Does anyone here use this system?

I am opening a store, but don't want the added cost of phone line & a different credit card processing system. Currently, I'm with paypal and can do transactions via virtual terminal.

So would it be too much to ask for people choose to do credit cards that they also write down their billing address? (paypal requires that to be entered) (Let's also assume I wouldn't keep my process this way...eventually I'll have a phone line and cc system there)

OR, is there a system to drop off the receipts with your bank & they handle them if you sign up with them?

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Is it possible to still use this method of credit card transactions? Does anyone here use this system?

I am opening a store, but don't want the added cost of phone line & a different credit card processing system. Currently, I'm with paypal and can do transactions via virtual terminal.

So would it be too much to ask for people choose to do credit cards that they also write down their billing address? (paypal requires that to be entered) (Let's also assume I wouldn't keep my process this way...eventually I'll have a phone line and cc system there)

OR, is there a system to drop off the receipts with your bank & they handle them if you sign up with them?

I do not, but I know that when we go to our eye doctor, her office uses the swiper thing, where you put your card it in over the paper, and run it across, and it makes the imprint.

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I have a knuckle buster I use for show where I don't have electric. I ask for their mailing zip and street address. If the question me I just tell them it for card protection reasons. But most don't question me.

If you are opening a store you do need to get a swiper as soon as possible. For one it will save you a bundle on credit card charges also it looks more like you are a professional. You do not need and extra line to run one it is preferred but not needed.

There are some very good credit card processor out there that don't charge an arm and a leg to set up with them.

But be warned when you open it wont be long till you are getting dozens of calls from processors trying to set you up to take credit card and be very careful who you talk to about it. I personally never trust the ones that call me I went and found one that suited me.

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I use the manual swiper at fairs, but all I collect is the zip code, since that's all that Propay needs.

Personally, I would think customers would consider it a pain to have to stop and write everything down. I wouldn't be happy about it, and since I don't give out that info freely, I'd probably put down a bogus one :)

Maybe if you explained it nicely.. but I'd get an automated system asap, I think customers expect quick service when they use a card.

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I use paypal vt and manual imprint at my shows. I just ask for a Drivers License with all cc transactions..walmart will sometimes too. That way you make sure they are the same person and you have all their info right there :)

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ebay has the manual imprinters. Just do a search.. you can get some really good deals..... also, staples has the blank carbons to use on the imprinters. Alot of times you can get the metal dealer plate made thru the place you buy your imprinter. I am buying one in the next few weeks and also adding ProPay to my site.... just my 2 cents:D

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I have never had that happen. Once I must have written down the number part of the address wrong(busy show) and it verified on zip and the 3 digit number..when you use it it gives 3 verifications..must only have to have 2 right ;)

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