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How many...?


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When all of yall first started in b&b, how many different things did you make? I mean, I like making soaps, if I could ever decide on a recipe, now I'm gearing up to try a bath bomb, thinking of making my daughters some gel soaps in their fav scents (to use as bribes), and I'm really thinking I could make a better shampoo (eventually), than the ones I've been using, and those sugar scrubs (even though I've never used one) sound awfully yummy, and the bath melts... heck, I might even do away with my trips to Wal-Mart altogether!

Does this sound crazy to any of you, or do you remember being like this? I'm thoroughly afraid I'm going nuts! I've always found science so much fun, so maybe that is why? Any suggestions on what to try first, or second, then third, and then, well, once you've made those, you'll want to try these out...

OK, I admit it... I'm actually bored! Sorry...


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While I tested and made one item at a time.. I'm all about saving on the shipping dollar. I spend huge amounts, and take the items I want to play with then and there and create. Then, once that one is how I like it (or I'm really bored) I start on something else.

But then again.. I've wasted hundreds of dollars buying things I never used. Kinda puts a huge hole in my shipping dollar theory...:laugh2:

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I understand what you mean and sympathize. We've all got this creative bent, meaning we really just gotta try making stuff with our own hands our own doggone selves. LOL I've dabbled in lots of B&B, but I've stuck with the soaping and candlemaking consistently. It's fun to play with lip balms, body butters ... you name it. There's no cure, so just buckle up and get ready for a wild ride! :D Keep lots of good notes, come back to what worked, ditch what didn't. Line up plenty of friends & family who will be honest testers for you.

We were born to do this. :laugh2:

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