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I was wondering how many of you give samples out in order to get more business? I am sure that most are like I am and do a free sample with purchase but how many actually do the free samples and get orders from that?

I sent a bunch of samples of soaps to local B&B's and I am wondering if I will get any orders from it. SO I am trying to see if anyone has gotton business that way..

If you have tell me you story. I would love to hear it!

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Yes I have given out votives as free samples, and it has resulted in orders. What most of oy orders have been though has been for Photo Hurricanes and have been the result of people seeing them and ordering some for themselves. A free votive has resulted in my first wholesale account. I started a thread a day or two ago telling that story.

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I gave a sample to the teller at the drive-through window of my Credit Union. A few weeks later a stranger called me and placed an order of over $100--the teller had allergies and didn't use candles, so she passed it along to her friend!

Of course, I've also given out lots of samples with no results but occasionally there's one that makes it worthwhile. I only do containers, so I used to use baby food jars for my samples and don't think I got a single response to that--except a few people said, "Do you make candles in anything else except baby food jars?"

So I started buying votive containers whenever I could find them on sale--I put a filled votive and a sheet listing all my containers and fragrances in a little bag to give out, and get much better response from this. Evidently people didn't think my candles would be very professional when the sample was in a baby food jar! I do use baby food jars for a gift with purchase, though--I figure those people have seen the "real" candles and I'm just giving them a little bonus of a different scent.


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