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What the heck....!!!


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Ok..I had this idea of some very nice soap!!!!

;) and I saw another recipe that I thought looked like it would work with what I wanted...One of the other girls posted it with Cocobutter...soo I did the calcs..ran thru soods..Looked great!

errrrrrrrrrrr...I did Like a tiny water discount!!!!!!!

here is what i did!!!

Mango Soap!!


27% coconut

24 % Mango butter

49% OO

4.5lb. Batch

water 21oz.

lye 10.1oz.


Mango 17.3

OO 35.3

scent 4.0oz.

Now before I even added the scent it traced wicked fast..I tried to color it..it did not pick up any color!!!! I added the frag..i blended it well..atleast I hope I did! it was sooo hard that the stick would not work!!! so I was handmixing!!!! It went tooooo far!!! And I don't understand why....the only thing I can think of is I did to warm....

both over a bit of 100

I am soo Mad now! Lost alot of mango butter...

and sweet pea scent..

ahhh..if i have to rebatch..I am not gonna be happy!!!! Anyone have any ideas what i did wrong???? why would it not take color?

sooo fustrated tonight!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent and any thoughts would be great!!!!

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Sorry about your bad experience with your mango soap. :embarasse It might have been the temp or the water discount for the acceleration. I've got insomnia tonight so I'm up early and ran your numbers through SoapMaker. The lye numbers it came up with (with a 6% lye discount) were 9.99 oz. and the water was 24.77 (with no discount). That's over a 3 oz. difference in the water, so perhaps it was the water discount that was the culprit. In my cocoa butter soap (don't know if this is the recipe you meant in your post) I used full water, a small amount of EO instead of FO, and no color.

I don't understand why it wouldn't take color...that's a mystery. :undecided Wait and see what it looks like tomorrow. It is absolutely no fun to lose expensive ingredients. I hope you don't have to rebatch. :sad2:

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thanks Miss Brenda!!!

I am guessing it was because of my water discount!!!!! Yup Your recipe...thought I could make with Mango butter!!! just peeked...still very warm...it did Gel..is very firm...

but warm...gonna check on it again later... the color did not take at all..looks gray..:undecided I don't know how to rebatch..I have a feeling it is gonna get alot of air pockets..that is how thick it was....gonna go start reading about rebatching!!!

LOL....I thought I was gonna make something cool..:embarasse something my skin would love!! HA! :tongue2: back to the drawing board!!!!

Thanks for getting back to me!!

Sleep well..

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Thanks guys..I am patiently waiting to unmold! still to warm!! I am soo Impatient!!!

Thanks for the advice!!

I will do it a bit different next time....

adding fo to water before adding the lye will not mess up the soap? I would expect it to explode!!!

If I have to rebatch this...should I add milk? I have a feeling it is gonna be dry....


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Ok..I have tooo rebatch.....just pulled from the mold!!!! And Holy Ugly!!!!!!!!!!! And it has oil spots!!!!!!!! where the fo must not have blended!!!! and it is Grey instead of green!!!!! :(

off to read about rebatching!!! Can't loose this batch..it is alll butter!!!

thanks for all the help!!

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nope I cut down the middle and took a slice from the middle and from the end...I could put back together...But It is wayy to Yucky..I don't even wanna use it...and I know it is the fo...causwe it had already started seizing and turning into a rock before i added the fo....

Thanks for the suggestion!

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My advice would me #1 whenever you are using a new FO in soap, try it out on a smaller batch of oils/butters so if it bombs, your rebatch isn't that big or if it's a complete loss, your loss isn't that big. #2 with the trickier FO's, soap cooler, but not so cool that you will get a false trace (esp when new because you'll have difficulty knowing it was false trace). AND do not discount the water on tricker FO's. they will need more cure time, but the extra water makes them more workable. #3 either use tried and true soap colorants or do small test batches with those too.

I think it traced so fast from a combinations of the hard butters you used and the FO. If you have a soap recipe that traces fast, it's better to not use fast tracing FO's IMO. The good thing about these experiences are you learn so much more by it actually happening than you do just reading about it, so there is a positive side to this also.

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Not wanting to hijack, but what is a false trace? This is the first I've seen that.

If you are soaping at low temps,the oils will thicken the instant the lye hit's it, looking like a medium-heavy trace. At this point you might panic and want to throw it in the mold, but in a few seconds it will start to heat up and thin out.

I use RT oils and a 40% lye solution, I see false trace every time:D

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