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Quick wholeslale help please?!

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I got a letter from a company yesterday requesting wholesale information and I have no idea where to start. I meant to sit down and put together a wholesale package, but never had the time. Now I have the time, but am flying because of these pain pills (percoset and vicoden) and of course, have to put something together NOW!!

When you guys put together a wholesale info package, do you include pictures, or just prices and let them go to your website to see pictures? I know that I need to have all the terms and conditions, but I have no idea where to start.

I don't suppose that anyone has a wholesale package they'd be willing to share so that I can get some ideas? (if not, I completely understand!). I'm just stumped and can't figure out where to start, and of course I can't even get up and pace, I'm just stuck in this recliner...:undecided.

Thank you all in advance for any help you can throw my way. I'd love to get this account, but just can't think right!

Hugs to all,


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Maybe you ought to just tell them you are not quite ready to wholesale. Perhaps suggest you be able to contact them back in a month or two after you have had an opportunity to really research the whole idea and get something put together....?:undecided Things that get put together without ample time (and under the 'influence') might not be what you really want when given ample time to 'think it through'? I hate it when I am rushed as things never seem to be what I really want!

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do!

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