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just how soon...


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after cphp can you try it? well dumb newbie here... only after 2or 3 hours after pouring i cut a piece and used it.. then i used a patato peeler to make the tops look nice and smooth...... well my hands started tingling and after an hour they were burning and red... i remembered reading about vinegar so i poured vinegar over my hands and it helped.... i guess maybe i should wait at least a day.... i am soo impatient.. lesson learned.

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Sounds like all the lye wasn't cooked out. With cphp there should be no lye left after cooking. When I'm cooking mine I do the nasty lye test and taste it to see if I get zapped or it tastes like soap. Can you do the tounge test and see if you get zapped?? After a batch I use my soap right away, in fact I make soap balls with the stuff left in the crockpot and use those to test it out.

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Yes, before molding cphp, I do the "zap" test. If it zaps, it cooks a little longer. No zap, it gets molded and can be used immediately. Of course a few days of drying time is best but, none the less, it can be use right away.:)

I do the same thing with left overs..it gets rolled into balls and used on myself and kids.:)

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my soap is cute, definitley needs work. my hands are fine too. thanks for asking. i will try to post a pic in gallery later. i used it this morning. not sure i like the feel, it was a little slimy, is this the nature of castille? i was wondering if FO could have caused some irritation, seemed smell was strong?

I used 2 oz for this batch...

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How big was the batch? I think I've read where 1oz. per lb. is pretty much the max for soaping.

Are you absolutely positive that the FO was body safe? I only ask b/c I forgot to check one time and made some M&P soap, and used it on my face, and OMG my face and hands were burning like crazy. Only then did I go back and check the FO bottle and sure enough it was only for candles.

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