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sooting question

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I have a question regarding sooting in container candles... I know it is supposed to be due to too much fragrance oil or too much oil content in the wax, and to fix this you should lower the fragrance load. Or at least that is what I have read during research.

I like my wax and do not want to lower the fragrance load or the throw will be affected... so is there any other way to deal with this problem. I have noticed it is worse on certain scents.. maybe I just need to lower the oil. but I really like the throw I am getting.. I just thought maybe a smaller/larger wick might work the problem out and wanted to get some input.


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I use taylored 50/50 and igi 6006. both are pretty oily but the 6006 is more creamy than the 50/50.

I am about to test a new one..taylored container since they no longer carry igi waxes but I know I can always go back to these if I need to.

I will try wicking down though.. may cause me to use multi wicks though in order to avoid hang up. right now I am using the 8 oz. square masons with cd wicks.. either 8's or 10's depending on scent.

thanks for the help.

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What kind of jar do you use? Some jars can cause air turbulence that will cause a candle to soot no matter what. Someone mentioned it had to do with the amount of oxygen fed to the flame is thrown off when there is excessive turbulence. I have tried a candle topper that has holes in it that regulate the incoming air and keeps the flame steady. I tried one and it does help considerably when I have test burned J50.


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I use the 8 oz. square masons mainly and those are the ones I have noticed the sooting problem in.... that is interesting about the candle topper.. my sister uses those in candles she burns and she is sold on them. She also told me that would reduce the soot her candles put out..

she doesn't make candles...haha.. just burns them. :)

It could just be the shape of the jar... I know when the candle is full and first burned there is not really a soot build up on the jar but once it starts getting lower it gets worse and worse...

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Like someone else said, it may just be the wick and/or the jar you're using.

I've noticed that my big apoth is really getting a ton of soot on it as it gets more towards the middle of the jar (burned about half way through) and the wicks are just going CRAZY in there, lots of turbulence like Geek mentioned, those flames are dancin' machines!! LOL

THe sooting is sooo bad in this candle that the melt pool is turning completely gray (it's a cream colored candle) and it's just UGLY!!

Hence the reason I'm really trying to single wick this bad boy, I know that two wicks makes this almost inevitable (the sooting and dancing flames) and you really have to baby the wicks (trimming etc.) when double wicking-at least in my experience.

I guess what I'm trying to say in my round about way is that there are soo many variables that trying to find the cause, is what makes all of us half bald wicking these darn things. LOL

I'd do what others have suggested and try wicking down and see if that helps, it sounds like your FO load is fine, so I'm pretty sure it's not that. ;)

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I don't know if this was my imagination or not, but I noticed when I used one of those toppers, that it affected my scent throw, anyone elso notice this?:sad2:

I agree 100%, tried them and found my throw wasn't as good as when I burned the same candle without the topper.

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Really.. well, I may put a nix on the toppers then and just work with the wicks and go with the one that soots the least if I can't get rid of it completely... I really like the throw I am getting with the cd wicks in this wax but I may try some htp's or lx's ... have never used an lx so not sure how they act...

I have tested the htp's and found them very similar to the cd's so not sure if this will help or not. oh, well, ...

I agree with michi... wicking these things will make us all half bald! LOL!

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