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I think I may have got in over my head lol, but I really want to do this candle making. There are just so many directions to go and so many items to choose.

Could someone give me a good starting place? I have got the basics. The melting pots and ordered a little bit of fragrance and wax, but then I got a little WOW feeling. so please any help would be awesome.


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I ordered a 10lb IGI 4630 preblended container...the one that comes in the starter set on Peak so I have the 6 oz tins as well and 25 pretabbed zinc core 6" 51-32-18z

as well as the starter set from mill creek, because I wasn't sure which way was up lol.

I would like to stay with the cleaner burning candles, which I believe are the soy right? any advice would be great.



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Both paraffin and soy can be clean burning most of it wicking properly. Other factor play in to like right amount of FO, kind of jar things like that.

If you bought kits and it sound like you did just follow the instructions that came with your kits. Don't worry about other instructions for now if you do you will just confuse yourself and that kind of sounds like what you have done.

Don't try to make both kind of waxes at once start with one then work on the other one. The best way to get in to candlemaking is go slow don't try to do to much at once and don't try to absorb all the information at once either you will just get frustrated.

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Thank you so much, I had a feeling that I was starting to run a little wild with this in the start. lol

Then I began to second guess every little choice I made...so thanks again, now I just need to relax until my wax gets here :)



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