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Is there a tutorial somewhere for this? Or could someone tell me what to do? I made a batch of soap, and like a dummy (yeah I know :rolleyes2 ) It was a new recipe, and I didn't use the full water. Plus used a fragrance that I wanted to try. Not sure why it seized up on me, but lordy, did it! I had to mush it in like crazy, and although I am not getting a zap, I have some oils coming off of it. So I wanna try my hand at rebatching.

Does it have to be shredded? Can I just cut it up? Do I add the water that I never added at the beginning? Or do you add more? What happens if you need to rebatch one that you used full water on. I guess I am just trying to figure out how much you know to use.

Do I have to add anything else to it?

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Heather, my dear Heather... will you EVER listen? :P

Don't answer that, I know the answer.

But honestly hon~ if you are having all these soaping issues because you keep discounting the water, and changing FO's~ why would you continue to do it? Your like a little kid who can't keep her hands off the stove. I think it would be best to perfect one recipe and then try different FO's and using the water discount. If you want someone to send all this money your throwing away just paypal me and be done with it.... LMAO!!

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Heather, my dear Heather... will you EVER listen? :P

Don't answer that, I know the answer.

But honestly hon~ if you are having all these soaping issues because you keep discounting the water, and changing FO's~ why would you continue to do it? Your like a little kid who can't keep her hands off the stove. I think it would be best to perfect one recipe and then try different FO's and using the water discount. If you want someone to send all this money your throwing away just paypal me and be done with it.... LMAO!!

Oh you are so wicked, lol! The other ones that were screwed up was because I used contaminated (with soap) water, not cuz of the discounted water! I am not discounting much at all, and honestly, the recipe, even with the fo, would of been fine if I wasn't so intent on getting the swirls figured out :P And the one that I am working on is the same base one, just changing a few percentages :P

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Heather, that tutorial is a good one. If you have a salad shooter, it works great. Add back the amount you discounted, but try milk instead of water. You want to cook until it's as smooth as you can get it, but it can dry out.

Mystical is right, do not discount water until you've soaped the FO and know how it will behave. You can also try boiling some water, pouring in a mug and sitting your FO (in a sealed bottle) in there to warm it. That can help. Some people add the FO to the warmed oils, before the lye (although I have not tried that). You might want to consider CPOP as an alternative to water discounting; I love this method! 175-200 degree oven for 2 hours, covered with saran wrap. Turn oven off, leave for 12 hours or so.


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Oh you are so wicked, lol! The other ones that were screwed up was because I used contaminated (with soap) water, not cuz of the discounted water! I am not discounting much at all, and honestly, the recipe, even with the fo, would of been fine if I wasn't so intent on getting the swirls figured out :P And the one that I am working on is the same base one, just changing a few percentages :P

Oh yes I am wicked... but you love me!

See, E even told you. She is an experienced soaper. MANY an experienced soaper has told you to stop doing what you keep persistantly doing in soaping. You should not be discounting the water 1 gram, you get it? Get your own damn water out of the basement. Or at least label the bottles. How many times can one touch the stove until they believe that it is hot? Sheesh!

I know you will find a perfect recipe that suits your needs.

Sooner or later..........:shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:

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