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Ceiling Fans and Scent Throw

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Has anyone had problems smelling their burning candles when their ceiling fans are on? We have ceiling fans in each room that run 24/7. I can't smell my candles when they are burning in a room with a ceiling fan but smell them fine when I move them to the bathroom or porch. Didn't know if I have a defective nose or if the ceiling fans really do impact hot throw.

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I have a ceiling fan in my livingroom and I'm not sure about the scent throw but it does change the way my candles burn. They tend to burn only on one side. I have tried this with my own and store bought ones and it is always the same. I'm sure it is because of the air flow.

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Dealing with the ceiling fan (I don't have one so I can't relate) I would be more concerned with soot and actually burning of the candle. If my wick is the slightest bit too long and I get a draft, I get soot.

Being the scientist that I am, I wonder if you have the fan with the blades turning so the air pushes down (you might have scent pushing down toward the ground) I wonder if you got down lower than the candle if you would smell it there? Or, if you have the blades turning the other way, that it is sucking it out of the room and the scent is up by the ceiling?

I would just turn off the fan.

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I would love to turn them off but my DH won't let me. They are set to pull the air up. Here at the cottage we have a small loft - where the attic used to be - and use the fan to circulated the heat and air conditioning up there. Maybe I should go set in the loft to smell my candles. LOL I do place my testers where the air flow doesn't affect the wick.

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