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Dumb question for the day, do dipped rose's , suppose to look like wax?

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I took the rose off the stem , then while holding the rose upside down with the little tip that holds it on the stem... i carefully dipped it it the wax , gave it a couple secs to soak up wax . then lifted the rose up and just shook it a few times to get excess wax off then sit them up right on a wire rack that had old cookie sheet under it. they dry real fast , almost by time i set them on the wire. after dipped a few i put wax back on stove to stay hot enough to dip the rest, found out that if wax gets to cool it will be thicker on rose's. my rose's was opened up compared to spud, so rose's like the ones she done probably would do better hung, thanks for posting your instructions Spud, i 'm going try to find me some rose buds over the weekend.

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