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Confused...Need some opinions please


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I was just approached the other day by someone who wanted me to do private label. I'm on the fence about what to do. On the one hand, it would bring in money for the business, but on the other hand I want to get my name out there and I don't want other people taking credit for my work.:undecided I'm wondering what your thoughts are about doing private label. Right now it seems the only reason to do it would be for money and that doesn't seem like a good reason to me. Am I missing something? Are there other good reasons for doing it that I'm not seeing?:confused: Thanks for any help and advice.

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Well, let's back up a bit. Why do you have a business? Do you want to earn any money at all? :) I know, that sounds dumb, but private label *is* a way to generate income. Sure, getting your name out there is good, brings in new business as people recognize you, but $600 worth of a wholesale account might be better than the future potential of name recognition.

Only you know what you want out of your business. It can be hard to do wholesale and retail both at the same time, and be really good at it. They're different animals. You have to understand your business, what kind of time commitment you've got, what your limiting factors are. Some people just don't like wholesale at all. Some concentrate only on wholesale.

Make sure you have policies in place with minimums, charge correctly for any extra services.....

I'm all about cash flow ;) I'd investigate the private label.

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Alot of people still put on their label "made by "and "for" on there. Are you going to put your name on it anywhere?

I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if I still put my name on there like that. I didn't think about it that way. Would that go on the front label or in small print on the back?

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Extra services might be label design printing. Who's doing the label - are you selling them unlabeled and they're responsible for the label and design? Are they giving you a label that you have to stick on? Or are you supposed to redesign a label for them?

Some of those things cost you time and material, and you'd want to charge for them. Private label can be done a bunch of different ways..

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The Candlemaker's Store offers warning labels that they can print your business name on. Subtle way to have your name somewhere on the candle. When people inquire about private labelling, I tell them my insurance company requires my name to be on the product for liabilty purposes. HTH!


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I have a couple of private label accounts, I look at it this way, I don't care who buys my wax and soap and pays my bills just as long as someone is. Andddddd you may get referrals as well. One of my accounts has Distributed by my company and company info on all their labels. The other one doesn't want to do that so they do all their own labeling.

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Thanks everyone for the replies. It was all very helpful. I guess I wasn't seeing all the good things that could come of it. I think I will probably do it and see about putting my name on the label as the manufacturer.

Now, one more question... does anyone have a contract that they wouldn't mind sharing? I am utterly clueless as to what to write in a contract and I don't want to screw it up. Thanks so much for all of your help.:)

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