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Update on PET bail lid jars (long)


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Here's what I've found out so far.....

I'm working with Bramble Berry to get a cost on their remaining stock of their small bail lids (around 400). Once I get the final numbers crunched I will post as a CO-OP for those of you that are interested. Looks like it will be about 40% less than what they are asking on the site (not including shipping). Apparently they have had some minor leakage issues with essential oils. PLEASE PM, respond to this post or email me if this is a CO-OP is something you might be interested in. If not I won't waste anyone's time with it. :)

I also found a supplier in California that has a similar item but it is a snap lid canister (boy, don't even try to call it a jar). They have 4 different sizes but require a 3000 unit order on all sizes but the 450 ml (approx. 15 oz) you can order in batches of 50. The cost is still high, $142 for a case of 50 plus $25 freight shipping (might be less to someone closer). The price goes down somewhat with larger orders, but not significantly (300 for $813, plus $127 shipping) This is what they look like:[ATTACH]4376[/ATTACH]

This is too much for my current budget, but if someone else is interested I can email you all the info I have.

Last but not least, I am also talking to ANOTHER company in CA that has a 4 oz. jar exactly like the one pictured above in surplus, and I will hopefully have a price on those this afternoon.

WHEW! I googled most of the day yesterday :) When my husband came home he looked around the house but wisely refrained from comments.

Bring it on, y'all. Let me know if any of this interests ya;)


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I'm stooping so low as to add more to this but I had to laugh..........

I finally got a response from the CA company that had the 4 oz surplus "canisters" and they were only $2 a piece, sounds good, right? Well when I asked about shipping costs for a case (168 "canisters") the "nice" lady told me it would be $250. :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm done for now... looks like I'll just have to make do with the cute ones from Bramble Berry!

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Walmart carried these awhile back (in November) and marked them down to $ 1.50 a piece so I bought 15 (that weren't scratched up). My bath salts, or more so the FO in them "ate" the plastic a bit :sad2:. They are nice containers. I think you had another post where you had a pic of a glass bail jar and I saw those exact ones at the Dollar Tree. They get them in and sell right out. I've been fortunate enough that 2x I've found them there. I'm sure there rejects as the seams don't line up where they should be and others have air bubbles in the glass BUT a $1 w/ small defects should does beat those horrible prices. Someone is DEFINATELY getting rich off those shipping prices (the oil co.:undecided)

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