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Respiratory Protection When Making Candles?

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Hi everyone, I am starting a candle making business, but I also work as a professional singer. I have read so many claims of people developing coughs and sore throats, bronchitis, and even chemical pneumonia from candle making. I am freaking out that these candles are going to end my singing career. I am using Candle Science's Clean Scent brand fragrance oils with American Candle Supplies Freedom Soy Bead Wax. Should I be concerned about my lungs, throat, and vocal cords? I plan on using this respirator: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LXF98DQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and mixing/pouring in my open garage with two fans running. 


I need to know whether or not candle making is going to pose a problem for my singing career as well as for my general health. Please share your thoughts. I am panicking a bit here. Thank you!

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I always wear a respirator when I make candles. It helps keep the vapors from the FO's from getting into my lungs. You should always wear some kind of protection as there are toxins in the FOs. And since we work with them full strength you are exposed to quite a number of toxic vapors. Before I started wearing a respirator I had slowly developed a distinct cough after 5 yrs of candlemaking. Once I started wearing the respirator it was gone almost immediately.


Also, when making candles try to make them in a ventilated area. If it isn't ventilated get fans or open windows or both. Even when you are finished continue ventilating for at least half an hour after making them,


Another word of caution, make sure children and pets and locked out of the area you are working in so not to expose them to the vapors.


I bought my respirator at Lowe's Home Improvement but you can find them at hardware stores and other places. Make sure it is OSHA approved for the workplace and for keeping vapors from being breathed in. Not all respirators are the same. It should set you back about $35 - $50.


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