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Wholesale Minimums

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I posted a thread a while back about wholesale accounts and a lot of you responded that it was worth it but to require minimums. What are your minimums, I know that everyone's will be different, but I guess I just need a starting point. I have one florist/gift shop ready to order now and I am supposed to meet with her this weekend and I want to be able to at least "act" like I know what I am doing. Thanks for all your help. ;)

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I have $100 minimum to begin with, then like Carmen said, batch minimums.

For jars, I only sell full cases but they can pick 2 scents per case. My pillars don't have minimums but that will be changing because it's too hard for me to make one 3x3 in one scent/color, then one 3x6 in a different one...

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I have a $100 minimum on the first order and $50 on reorders. I also require a minimum of 3 per size per scent. You might run across people who want to try to get around the minimums but stick with it. I had one person who wanted wholesale prices but didn't want to pay $50 or $100 at one time and another who wanted to buy baskets off of me wholesale but if they didn't sell wanted me to buy them back! And make sure you make up some kind of agreement form stating your policies and have them sign it. HTH some.


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For wholesale orders mins are a must..at least for me they are. I have 150 min order includes reorders and like carmen I only sell in batches. This is more for my convience that anything. It take 2 pounds of wax to make 16 votives...so they have order 16 of one scent. For jars they have to order 5 per scent and so on.

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thank you guys, this is really overwhelming me (and scaring me). One person I know I can work with becuase I used to work in her shop on the weekends. The other person is just someone who smelled my candles and wants to put them in her store. I guess I will have to put my thinking cap on and come up with a contract. :shocked2:

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