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Hi all

I am pouring tealights at the moment and am at the testing stage. I am using beeswax, which I bought on eBay from 'FraPete' it came in ingot bars. I am testing both silver and glass tealights.  The wicks are 'Wick and Tab' Number 12 (my hashtag button doesn't work), pre-assembled and dipped in vegetable wax, I did not adhere the wicks to the bottom, and they are from All Australian Candle Making supplies and kits.  The silver t/lights are 29mm high, 39mm wide and hold 25g wax. The glass t/lights are width 4.4cm, height 2.5cm, they don't specify how much wax they hold. So far I am not having a problem with the glass t/lights, but the silver ones are giving me problems with adhesion all round the sides as well as a small rectangular 'hole' in the one position at one side in all of the t/lights. I pour to the very top edge but as they cure they are sinking approx 1mm evenly across the top, this is happening with all of them whereas the glass ones are curing with a lovely even height to the top, perhaps 1mm above the edge of the glass although there is a slight dip around the wick of approx 1mm which is happening evenly and at the same height with all of the glass ones.  I am melting the wax in a double boiler to 175F and pouring at 75F, stirring the wax all the time. I am finding that by the time I come to the last 4-5 t/lights, the wax is starting to become slightly creamy.  I would appreciate some advice and any help would be much appreciated please as I am aiming for the perfect pour before I move on to other containers or moulds.

Thank you


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