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Multiple Suppliers (& Shipping) vs. Local

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Relatively new to candle making and just moved from Alabama to Texas - had been getting supplies from Community Candle in Birmingham and CandleScience in NC when I was visiting family (picking up from each to avoid shipping costs)

Now I'm trying to figure out whether I'm better off sticking with what I knew from my original suppliers and paying for the shipping or switching to a local supplier (Lonestar, Southwest, and AAA Candle Supply are all within a 30 min drive)? Or alternatively, do I try to purchase heavy/bulky items like jars and wax locally and keep my favorite FO from my original suppliers? 


So, here are my questions: (1) How does everyone save on (or justify!) shipping costs and (2) How many total suppliers do you have for various items to minimize redundant shipping costs and maximize quality supplies?

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If you are a 30 minute drive to 3 great suppliers I would take advantage of that. You can save a buttload buy driving there to get your wax and supplies.


I use several suppliers for different reasons. "Local" suppliers for me are in PA about a 4 hour drive but I still drive there about 1-2 times a year and that saves me money. I use several suppliers that have good shipping rates for my location and a few across the country I use simply because what they have is the best of what I need. So I do shop for savings whenever I can but sometimes you just gotta buy what you need when you need it.

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