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Hello! I am new to this site and in awe of the wealth of knowledge and kind community! I am making candles with a soy wax blend (GW 464) in square containers that are 12cm by 12cm. I am using two wicks. I am trying EVERYTHING, two pours, three pours, different pouring temperatures, poking holes, not poking holes, and I can't seem to ever get a nice flat smooth surface. I seem to always end up with sink holes. Does anyone have any tips or tricks? I am so desperate at this point I will try anything. 


ALSO, I am making the candles in my kitchen, with the AC about 72 degrees. Should I be doing this outside? I would really appreciate any advice. ALSO--if anyone is in the Miami area and willing to join me in this quest, I would happily pay for some help. 



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I'm pretty new to candle-making myself so I could be wrong, but are you leaving them to cool in a drafty place or leaving them too close together maybe? You could try warming the containers slightly or leave them to cool in a slightly warmer place with no drafts. Sorry I can't be of more help, maybe someone else in the community who has more knowledge and experience can chime in and help a little more. Love always xo

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I don't use your wax but I use soy and invested in a heat gun many years ago.  You can smooth out your tops in a jiffy with one!  You will also usually see if there are holes that need to be relieved and repoured when you heat the tops.

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