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Advantages of 464?

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I have been reading that parasoy wax can have a much better hot throw than straight soy.  I have only used 464 wax and I have recently been able to make some candles with good hot throw, but so many more that do not throw at all. I know it can depend on the FO used in the candle, and the type of wick too, which I'm still figuring out (with the help of posters here!).  I want to have consistently great smelling candles, not ones that only smell in a tiny bathroom with the door closed :) Can anyone tell me what the benefits of using 464 over a parasoy blend, like 6006, would be? What are the main reasons you have chosen 464 wax if you use it? Is it worth it to keep trying or switch? Thank you!

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Some people like that soy wax burns longer than paraffin.  I haven't tested side by side how much longer a 100% soy candle burns compared to a parasoy; maybe someone will have some input in regard to burn durations.  I use GW444, which has a higher scent load than 464, but the throw does fluctuate from scent to scent.  It's probably a personal preference as to what type of wax you prefer to purchase or burn.  I make a lot of novelty candles, so I am usually mixing waxes anyway; yet, for repours in containers, I've been using straight soy.  Maybe I should consider a parasoy on some of my containers, might help scent throw for me on certain scents!

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I have been using 444 for years.  On a recommendation from an employee at the supply store I go to, I tried 464 and haven't looked back.  The 464 gives smooth professional tops without the guesswork.  It also burns at a cooler temp so  I can wick down and have a cooler and safer candles.  It gives just as good of a throw if not better with the FO's I use as 444.  It melts faster too so the melt pool gets bigger faster creating a HT faster. 

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Oh gee ... when I bought the 444, I figured that would be the one with a better throw!  A customer of mine likes candles that burn for a longer time, so my guess what that 444 would also suit that.  Am I wrong about all of this? 


Here's one of the things I read when making my decision ...

GW464: Has a lower melt point which helps with the burn and gives better glass adhesion.

                     Pour Temp: 125-145  I  Melt Point: 115-120  I  FO Load: 7%-9%

GW444: Has a higher melt point which enables it to retain a higher FO load to give you a stronger scent throw.

                     Pour Temp: 125-145 I Melt Point: 120-125 I FO Load: 9%-11%


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So I went looking around to see if I could gather more opinions about GW464 to see if I should talk myself into ordering some to try it out. 


Well, I must say, I ended up in the wrong place for that ...http://www.soycandlemakingtime.com/review-soy-wax-gw-464-golden-brands/


The page was obviously put together in order to illustrate some various tests, although I don't quite understand why some of the pouring temperatures were selected.  In any case, just wanted to share this, most of you have probably already seen this, but it's new to me.  It's a great page that would save some people the trouble of doing similar tests, if you happened to be headed down such a path.


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