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Premier wick suggestions for an 8 oz jelly jar and c3

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Could anyone that has experience help me out with premier wicking?  I am trying to wick an 8 oz jj with c3 wax - 7% fragrance oil and 2 dye chips per lb. I have tried 750 -not big enough no full melt pool by 3rd burn. 755 same as 750. 760 not too much better but ok. I like the way the 765 burns but I did test the 767 and it was way too hot and mushrooming really bad.


Is 765 about right??

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Guest OldGlory

Sounds about right to me. Burn it the entire way thru the candle to get your answer. And, as with most soy waxes, you need to let the wax cure for 4 or 5 days at least. This isn't to test the FO throw, but rather to give the wax a chance to fully set up. Same wax, same FO, burn it on day 2 and burn it on day 7 and you will get a different result with your wick testing.

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