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Fragrance Oil Fillers

Grani L

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Unless you ask the supplier, who would ask the manufacturer, there is probably no way to tell. Also, they would probably not give out that information as it is most likely proprietary. 


However, IMO, if you go to quality suppliers, you are going to get (for the most part) quality supplies. They will, or should, let you know if they are Phthalate free, and what the IFRA is on each of their fragrances. 

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No, I didn't have anything in mind in particular. I want to have a bit more knowledge about fragrance oils. Some you get from some places are nice and strong, and the same fragrance oil from another place just maybe weak and wont throw. It just had me wondering - that's all.

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Guest OldGlory

There's more to cold and hot throw than just the quality or strength of the fragrance oil.


How we each individually detect/perceive a fragrance is a huge factor! If you have allergies or smoke, or if something else is going on with your sinuses, you may not smell what I smell. It's always odd to see 2 people standing side by side, smelling the same candle, one says it smells great and seems strong, the other says she can't even smell it.


Plus, as the commercial says, we go 'nose blind' to odors. When I sold crystal potpourri I had a little old lady that kept buying refresher oil from me weekly. That oil should have lasted 6 months, but she was going thru it weekly. Her house probably smelled great, but because she was in it every hour of every day, she could no longer smell it.


The wax and wicking are factors. The air circulating in your home/office is a factor as are other smells in the area.


It is my understanding (although I may be wrong) that fragrances are made to a certain standard/strength to meet the public demand for PRICE. It can be uber strong and more expensive or more diluted but strong enough to please most people. I think there's one supplier that offers varying levels of intensity in their fragrance oils...Just Scents maybe? We all know that some people will add 2 oz pp regardless because they have to have the strongest candles on the market. 2 oz pp of the weakest cut may be just right for some. Some people want decaf, some people want espresso. It's market place demand that drives our suppliers.

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