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Which USA should I test?

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So I'm getting nice pours with 415 and holding on to some of them to see how they act over time. I also want to compare with and without soy additive.


I still have a lot of USA from 2 suppliers that both closed down, but it's 2 different kinds. The one from SoyCandle.com (R.I.P.) is off white and kinda powdery. The one from Just by Nature (R.I.P.) is darker in color and looks more like little beads.


I guess I should focus on the one I can still get. Which one sounds like what CMS is selling? In the pic it looks more like the light powdery one.

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And I saw the picture of your 415 with color and I am amazed at the result with no additive....I can't tell you how many I poured without color and no matter what I did with temps they were all so grossly deformed but the scent throw won me over! Lol

I want to try again now that I have been using it for a couple years without USA And see if I get the same results

I came across another candle at work yesterday made of 464 and it has to be at least 4 years old and the frost is really bad but without color it's kinda cool but I can't find the wick! Lol

Curious if 415 without USA would do this as well- I have some with USA a couple years old and they look the same as the day made

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Thanks, sounds like the one from soycandle is the best bet to work with.

That tester did come out good. The sides are amazingly perfect, and the little dusting of frost on top doesn't bother me. In the course of deciding NOT to use soy wax I actually got pretty good at working with it.

But today is a new day, and I think you've got the right idea with the 415. I actually meant to make 2 of those testers, but the wax got too cold and I ended up with a short pour on the second one. I took that one home and have been enjoying it. I only used 3% FO this time, but it throws quite well enough for one room.

Part of the no-additive result might be due to a new idea I'm trying out, but I have to muck around a little more and make sure it wasn't a fluke.

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Your 415 candles did really come out great! What temp did you pour at? Just poured one last night and the top was disgusting! Nothing my little heat gun won't fix, though! I poured around 112. Should I be pouring cooler? It seemed like forever for the wax to cool...so not used to straight soy!

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Still, the newbie I am, what is USA?  :unsure:  Thanks!


I choose not to place "DIS", in my ability.

― Robert M. Hensel


USA stands for Universal Soy Additive. It's some kind of crystal modifier that could be mono- and diglycerides. I've also heard it described as distilled monoglycerides. I suppose it has probably been different but related things depending on the supplier you got it from. It helps soy wax set up without frosting and other annoyances, and it is said to allow you to pour the wax hotter and still get good results. Without the additive, it's recommended (with good reason) to pour plain soy wax "slushy" -- well past its cloud point so it sets up quickly in the container.

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