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UV Inhibitors

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Guest OldGlory

I use UV inhibitor in candle jars with fragrances that have a vanilla in them. Like sugar cookie, creme brulee, most of the bakery scents. None of the UV inhibitors I've used work 100%. I still get some yellowing in vanilla jars when they are exposed to light.

I have no idea who sells it outside the US.

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I use UV inhibitor in all my candles, scented, unscented and dyed or not dyed. Blueberry FO's and any blue or purple dyes fade the worst, so I use a little more in those specific candles.  I've used the UV from www.candlemakingsupplies.com (formerly Genwax) for over 15 years now and have had only a couple in all that time still fade on me.  I've tried many other company's UV with not very good luck, so I quit trying others and stay with the best IMHO.


Oops I forgot to say I don't know any overseas companies  so you may need to research companies over here that ship to where you are.

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Man how can the UK businesses/suppliers not carry UV? In the limited searches I did (4 pages worth) I couldn't find a supplier who carried it. If you want it, I think you'll have to find a US or Canadian company ... (and there might other countries) to ship you some. 

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Thanks! You were very helpful for me. I've already found supplier who has Inhibitor UV. If I do candles with it, I'll give you know about the effects. I had problems with white coffee candles.

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This is a big chemical company. They don't sell raw materials for candles. I called to them to ask.... They told me, that especial for me will bring 10kg. So, I even don't know from where that inhibitor UV will be.

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