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cleaning wax vats

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We are just getting started with cut and curl, and we have a 10 vat melter we just purchased. Before putting in new wax, what is the best way to ensure the vats are clean? I don't want to use chemicals because it would mess up the wax, would it not?

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You could get some form of a dry cloth and do a wipe through. One thing I do with my presto (I know not the same thing) is that I do wipe it out while on warm and then I do run a baby wipe/clorox type of wipe through it to pull out any color and scent. I am assuming the vats are steal or metal. I don't know why that wouldn't work for your set up.

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Is it a new dipping tank, with only the "oil" used in manufacture? If the baby wipes don't work, try lots of hot, hot soapy water.

If it is used and there is wax on the vats, try to melt it off with a heat gun -- then clean remainder off with Dis-solve it (or similar); wash with hot soapy water, rinse well and dry.

Hard water deposits can be removed with vinegar. (Vinegar may also work to remove any "oily" deposits.)

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