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Parasoy and Bakery FO Longevity


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Hi everyone!

This is my first time posting :)!

Over the past year, I have spent an atrocious amount of money purchasing wax tarts and melts from popular online vendors. Only about 50% of them were up to my 'standards,' but they all had one thing in common- they were parasoy. From everything I have read in this forum, the general consensus is that Paraffin throws stronger and longer, however, with my vendor experience this has not been the case. The parasoy blends have been the ones that throw the strongest and last the longest.

I have decided that instead of purchasing from vendors, I would just like to make my own tarts for myself and friends (also thinking about maybe making wax for fundraisers). To start off with, I have tried two blends: 50/50 4627/4625 and 4627/4826. The results I got were mediocre at best. Some oils had a strong throw, but they fizzled out to a light/med throw in 4-6 hours.

Can anyone tell me:

A. Does parasoy increase longevity and throw (especially with bakery scents).

B. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a few blends I could try to achieve at least 8-12 hours of strong hot throw and then at least another 12-15 hours of medium throw.

I've been thinking about trying 6006/4625, 6006/4794, 3022/4625. Also willing to try out ecosoya and golden brand blends if needed.

I know it is possible to achieve a great throwing long lasting tart- just don't want to spend an arm and a leg testing since I am just making for myself. Any help would be greatly appreciated :). Ofcourse, I don't expect people to publicly share their super secret secrets, but like I said before I am just making for myself. I have a lot of respect for business owners, but I know running a business is not for me! Please feel free to PM me if you're more comfortable with that!

Thanks in advance to any advice you may have for me!

p.s. merry xmas to everyone celebrating!!

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Yours is a common-AND tricky-question!

You will find those here who have incredible businesses who make an all soy melt, some as successful with parasoy and the same with paraffin. It is one of the many mysteries of this craft. 2 people can take the same materials, use essentially the same techniques and yet have different results. As one who prefers the black and white, I'd have loved a clear cut recipe or plan to follow.

I have tried all you have tried except 4826. I have tried most all you are considering. Some should be giving you nice results. Saying that, this is also very subjective. My mom (not a scent person) believes that even my weakest (by my standard) scents are WAY too strong.

I am a diagnostic/process of addition or elimination/examine the variables person. Can you tell us more about how you are making your melts? Method of melting your wax, temps at which you add FO and more? Perhaps that can start to help us know what suggestions to offer.

I am also curious types of warmers you use. With light bulb style warmers, I can get a strong HT for 12-24 hours. On a high temp hot plate style warmer, I get instant/STRONG throw but for not nearly that many hours. My melts or those from others.

I started this as a hobby and for myself. I have sufficiently spent an arm, leg and several other appendages worth chasing the best wax blend and the best FO's (just to me and by my own standards, of course). It has been the oddest mix of fun and frustration that I would have thought that I was willing to participate and fund!!

Edited by justajesuschick
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Welcome to the board,

I am going to echo Karen there are no short cuts because everyone has different criteria in what they are looking for and their needs.

Another thing to think about here is your nose the more you make the less your nose smells it, what was really strong to you when you were a customer after you make candle/melt for while, it won't seem as strong or last as long when in reality it does you are the one that has changed not the product.

I use to have customers come to me and tell me WOW that is a great scent and last forever but then other customers for the same scent complained it was not strong enough and did not last long enough. Not everyone smells the same. Plus customer that use a lot of scented product will need thing to be stronger than those that use very little scented product because they are becoming use to the FO and their nose is tuning them out and so is yours.

I always have advised customer to have a variety in the scent choices never burn the same kind of scent 2 days in a row. Not burn apple pie one day and pumpkin pie the next more like a floral one day a fruit or baked the next, fresh clean the next ect.... I advise the same to makers do not over power yourself with one kind of fragrance give yourself a break from them before you test for hot and cold throw after you make them.

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What Vicky said is so true, the customer response can be the entire spectrum and you have very little control on how they use the product. For melts, there are many devices that are available for heating; bulbs, hot plates, lamps, and tealights. All will produce a different affect.

Pick quality waxes and FOs, follow recommended procedures and you will have a good product. Work from there.

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