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FO not incorporating into wax?

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Hi everyone,

So I started putting my FO in (~185 in ecosoya CB 135) before my dye so I can see it mix in with the wax. Usually it looks kind of swirly until it completely disappears. Twice now I have poured Cucumber Melon and it looks like there is a bunch of little flakes in the wax. This is the only scent I have noticed this with. I get OK HT with CM but it's definitely not as strong as I would like. Any ideas?


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I have read that some have put the FO bottles in warm water before putting in wax. How hot the water is I am not sure of. I would not get the FO too hot though. Maybe bring it up to about 100 degrees???? Sorry I can't give you more advice on that one. :confused:

Might be able to put it in a microwave for a few seconds too.

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Measure your FO in a Pyrex cup and microwave it. I have a weak microwave and will do 30 seconds for 5 or 6 ounces. I never used to heat my oils and they tended to blob in the wax. Also - make sure you aren't adding them at too high a percentage. I have that problem with some of my oils and I really have to watch it. HTH!


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  • 2 weeks later...

You just want to melt any crystals that have formed in the fo. I usually keep my pyrex shot glass on a warmer on low and check to make sure there are no solids in the solution. Sometimes the fo will have instructions to that effect. I've gotten some fos that have a separation type appearance in the bottle and they just don't work efficiently. Hope that helps you.


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Thanks Steve. This looked very strange and I'm wondering if there was another problem besides the FO not incorporating. I decided to do another one the same way I did it before and I didn't have any flakes at all.


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