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Beginner blender questions


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Could someone explain to me using the Qtips in a jar. I understand you dip say one of a certain scent and another in a different scent until you get the desired scent you are looking for. But once you have the scent you are after how do you know how much FO to add of each based on using a Qtip? Again, I'm sorry for the questions..I'm just not understanding how it works. tyvm!

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Guest OldGlory

Hi Michele,

It's a ratio. Let's say you have a total of 10 qtips that make up the new scent. We'll say 4 are Apple, 4 are Orange, and 2 are Cinnamon. You have 4 parts Apple, 4 parts Orange, and 2 parts Cinnamon. You can make each "part" half an ounce (2 oz Apple, 2 oz Orange, 1 oz Cinnamon) or 10 grams (40 grams Apple, 40 grams Orange, and 20 grams Cinnamon) or whatever unit of weight you want. Just stay with the same ratio and you'll be right.

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I stopped doing Qtip tests. I could not reconcile being told that I should not judge an FO until it was in wax while trying to judge a blend by putting Qtips in Ziploc bags. Likewise with percentages.

So, now I make melts in FO's "straight from the bottle" and mix percentages of melts I wish to try as blends in my warmers to determine if the blend mixes well. Then I play with adding a bit more of one to get to blends that I will ultimately mix into melts at whatever ratio I liked best.

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And me, I grow a wild hair and start adding scents to a 4 oz measuring cup. I decide what I want to blend, really think it out and then start, swirling and sniffing as I blend together (As I add scent, I write down the recipe on a piece of paper...ie how many oz of each) then I put it in wax..usually at least 2-3 lbs at a time ...almost every single time, it works out wonderful. I add less of the stronger more potent scents and add more of the lighter scents....Of course I have had my 1 or 2 stinkers too, but this method works best for me. For example 2 weeks ago I did a simple blend of .75 oz of Patchouli and .25 oz Dragons Blood....gave it an exotic name and sold every one of the jars I made. This Spring I am doing a Honey, Coconut and Vanilla blend and several others. People LOVE new scents! Yankee, Virginia, Scentsy..... ain't got NOTHING on you when you do blends. You learn to blend, you have the potential for a moneymaking goldmine!:)

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Just going to add that whatever route you take you keep notes. I'm famous for tossing this and that together and thinking ok now those scents are gone and I don't have to restock them. Then I jot a note somewhere as to what it was, lose it and most times I have requests for those scents and not a clue what made them up. Invest in a notebook and make yourself use it lol.

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LOL! I can already relate. it just happened with a wax blend I did. I wrote it down on a piece of paper, ended up giving my mom the tarts I made with it and of course she tells me how great it is but I think I tossed the paper at some point. I'm definitely buying some notebooks tomorrow. One for wax blends and scent blends. I still got some time before I'll be comfortable messing with scents. Hoping I don't toss a whole notebook as easily as I do pieces of paper. lol

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Reason I don't is because jump drives get lost, computers crash, programs become incompatible and while paper rips, get spilled on, peed on, print fades etc., I like the protector sleeves on the things I want to keep. Then I have it on hand when I need it. If I didn't have those kinds of experiences with electronics, I'd be all over your suggestions. As it stands, electronic is my back up.

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One for wax blends and scent blends. I still got some time before I'll be comfortable messing with scents. Hoping I don't toss a whole notebook as easily as I do pieces of paper. lol

You won't, well unless you have notebook killing dog or it becomes a scratching post for a cat. I have one for testers, one for soap colorings, one for soap and B&B recipes (that badly needs split) and one right now for blends I want to keep. I also put eraser boards on my fridge and make notes that way until I decide if I want to transfer the blend to a book. Usually when I decide I don't and I erase it, we have people who suddenly liked that.

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Why not start spreadsheets or or even google docs? Save them occasionally on a jump drive and there is no notebook or pieces of paper to get lost or spilled upon.

I LOVE my spreadsheet. I have tons of tabs for testing, blends, inventory, costs and more.

YOU are smart girl! :) My recipes are on a ton of sticky notes and also in a notebook in my Candle Cave. Every single recipe is written....I really need to update...bad!:)

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