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Christmas Sales already over?


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Hi there,

after a few good weeks with orders almost every day this is the fourth day without any orders at all. So was it that?

I knwo I give up very quickly and I am very quickly frustrated but if it starts now to ebb away what happens after the holidays....:undecided

I have no free time anymore since months now and it seems that I still don't work enough. Marketing costs the major part of my time and a considerable sum of money as well but it seems it is never enough.

Have I told you before how I hate all this rat race? Yes, I have, over and over again....sorry for having to deal with such an ancious and discouraged person like me all the time...

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Around here most of the Christmas Craft shows are finished after the first weekend in December. There are a few on the second weekend but the sales have already dropped. I do tend to get a few website sales at this time but that is because people want things shipped out in time for the holidays so I run a holiday sale to draw in more sales. Lastly, I do a last sales day at my office once the craft season is over. I take all my leftover products and sell them at work. Sometimes I make more money at my office than at the craft shows.

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I just completed my last Christmas order that is to be delivered next week. I like to take a break from Mid December to New Years so I can relax and spend time with family. I tend to be slower in January and February (I think a lot of people are recouping financially from Christmas). My next craft show isn't until April so that gives me plenty of time.

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Thanks for sahring your experience with sales at this time of the year. Seems it was only a few slow days that hit me, sales go on here almost every day and I am happy about it.

Yesterday I did a fair here in our village. Every years there are less people (because every second farm here has its own xmas fair, it seems...people are fed up) but I always have slightly more sales every years. Sold mostly my jars and bath bombs. Need those two more weeks to Xmas and then things will smooth out for me, I hope.

Take care!

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