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That is tricky. Each person will have their own triggers. I cannot use anything but unscented shower products. Oddly, there is a butter that my skin does not like. Too much work to discover if it is cocoa, shea or oils in lotions and creams that my skin did not like. So, I use stuff recommended by my Dermatologist without these. Heavy and holds in the moisture.

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Eczema sometimes responds to pine tar soap. I would hesitate to call it a "Eczema" soap for obvious reasons but there are some good pine tar recipes on the board and around the net. You need to buy top grade pine tar and get ready to work real quick with it, as the stuff sets up instantly. Not to mention it smells horrible. I use a pine tar shampoo on my dog for skin conditions and it really helps. HTH


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I suffered with a severe patch of eczema on my hand for more than 20 years. At it's worst I would have quarter inch deep cracks that burned, bled and refused to heal. My skin peeled and was raw and red, like I had just burned it.

I stopped using commercial detergents etc because they seemed to make things worse, but I would have days when things weren't too bad, and days when I wanted to cut my hand off.

In my opinion soap can keep eczema from flaring up, but it can't heal it. I didn't start to heal until I started using the juice from healing plants (most of them common weeds) and infused oils. Being careful with drying out my skin and the healing herbs and oils with hand soap that didn't make matters worse slowly started to work and I am completely healed.

To prevent any issues, especially in the dry winter I use my hand salve once a day, sometimes twice. I also like a winter blend soap with a higher superfat for washing my hands.

The herbs I used were fresh leaves of yarrow, burdock, plaintain, comfrey and calendula petals. I steep them in plain olive oil in the spring and summer and make a hand salve with beeswax and a few drops of vitamin e oil.

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Eczema is so different for everyone. I can't imagine wanting to soak in a tub when you have it with a bath bomb but to each their own. I cannot use Pine Tar Soap or even my HP soap and no melt and pour either. I use the foaming bath butter from NDA to wash with unscented but with olive oil infused with Calendula, Comfrey and Burdock. I will have to try Chef Mom's other herbs. :) I think it's the lower ph of that product that doesn't aggravate me. Castile even aggravates when I'm in a flare which of course most of the time- stays to my hands. Sometimes the infused oil doesn't even work and I have to go to my commercial stand by Gold Bond Ultimate with Aloe or the Shea one but that is a last resort. Sometimes my lotions or lotion bars even aggravate. My skin is just hyper sensitive when I have a flare. Hard to avoid on your hands as a soap maker. :-(

Anyway, good luck- I would maybe infuse those herbs into the bomb or try stinky Pine Tar. Ugh!

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Everyone with eczema who has used my goat milk soap, unscented and no colorants,says it helps a lot and some even say their eczema disappears. Just make sure they do not use store bought soap at the same time. Goat milk soap only..

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