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newbie asking about Natures Garden joy wax

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My and I are wife are pretty new to this. We have been using 464 from Natures Garden.I've

noticed how helpful everyone is. And I would be grateful if anybody has had any experience with their Joy Wax. This is a great web site I love all the info. Thanks Mcmike.

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Early on in my journey.....I tried the Nature's Garden Joy wax. I still have some left because it was the smell of the wax itself that put me off.

In my Professional Life I'm a Baker, and I worked as a doughnut fryer for a year. The smell of the Joy wax was the exact same smell as the doughnut grease that was used in the fryer. I had success with the wax throwing bakery scents like vanilla and cinnamon was always muted, like it was a cinnamon mixture. When I tried any other scents outside of the bakery/food categories I always could smell "essence of doughnut" in the candle. Not a good match with "Spring Rain" or Honeysuckle.

In the end, I use the joy wax that I have on had when I am testing colors for my 6006 wax. I also had wick issues with it, the flames were small etc, even with larger wicks. I just couldn't move past the smell.

Once I tried 6006 next to the Joy I never thought about it again, I now use 6006 for scented jars and I am very pleased.

Also, when I was trying to decide on a wax, the fact that Joy wax is ONLY available from one supplier put me off. I didn't want to build a whole scented line with the investment testing brings just to have them change that wax's formula or even worse, discontinued it. Since 6006 is more widely available I settled with that one.

In the end it all comes down to what you personally want in a candle. How you want to build it and what you want it to do. You read, research and then test into madness (sometimes it seems that way) but in the end you will learn the science behind it all and hopefully find your success. The product that I dismiss may be your perfect match, so reading as much as possible is always helpful.

Good Luck and welcome!!


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Also, when I was trying to decide on a wax, the fact that Joy wax is ONLY available from one supplier put me off. I didn't want to build a whole scented line with the investment testing brings just to have them change that wax's formula or even worse, discontinued it. Since 6006 is more widely available I settled with that one.

In the end it all comes down to what you personally want in a candle. How you want to build it and what you want it to do. You read, research and then test into madness (sometimes it seems that way) but in the end you will learn the science behind it all and hopefully find your success. The product that I dismiss may be your perfect match, so reading as much as possible is always helpful.

This should be a sticky at the top of the page and one everyone who joins should read!

I am with you on the single supplier wax. I have only been around here about 1.5 years and in that short time even I have seen many here have to start from scratch when a supplier no longer carried the wax or it changed somehow after they had used it for years.

I also wholeheartedly agree on the second part of what you have said. I can strike completely out with a wax or an FO supplier yet many here who have much more success and longevity than me EXTOL the virtues of both. It is all so personal. Our systems, what we want, what we will accept/tolerate and more come into play.

I have benefited greatly from ebay suppliers who sell wax by the pound or Peak who sells in 2 pound packages as I wanted to try so many waxes for myself. Perhaps see if you can get a sample of the waxes you wish to try and test as Chefmom suggests. You will find what is best for you!

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Dear Chefmom, TY for all your information. We greatly any help we can get as our main mentor has been natures garden and google. I really

like the comraderie and willingness for to help each other in this group. Your post was very thought provoking and It was nice of you to take the time to help us. ? where can I find 6006 wax ? TY Mcmike

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Dear Chefmom, TY for all your information. We greatly any help we can get as our main mentor has been natures garden and google. I really

like the comraderie and willingness for to help each other in this group. Your post was very thought provoking and It was nice of you to take the time to help us. ? where can I find 6006 wax ? TY Mcmike

You are welcome. Over the years I have received a LOT of information from this board and I'm glad that I am now able to reciprocate.

IGI-6006 is available at many large supply houses. For my Western PA location, Peak's and Candlescience have won as my wax suppliers. I can also drive to pick up 6006 closer to Pittsburgh.

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This should be a sticky at the top of the page and one everyone who joins should read!

I am with you on the single supplier wax. I have only been around here about 1.5 years and in that short time even I have seen many here have to start from scratch when a supplier no longer carried the wax or it changed somehow after they had used it for years.

I also wholeheartedly agree on the second part of what you have said. I can strike completely out with a wax or an FO supplier yet many here who have much more success and longevity than me EXTOL the virtues of both. It is all so personal. Our systems, what we want, what we will accept/tolerate and more come into play.

I have benefited greatly from ebay suppliers who sell wax by the pound or Peak who sells in 2 pound packages as I wanted to try so many waxes for myself. Perhaps see if you can get a sample of the waxes you wish to try and test as Chefmom suggests. You will find what is best for you!

Gee, thanks!


Now my head is going to grow...and not fit through the door! :laugh2:

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Where would this be? I am only a couple hours north of pittsburgh.

You are welcome. Over the years I have received a LOT of information from this board and I'm glad that I am now able to reciprocate.

IGI-6006 is available at many large supply houses. For my Western PA location, Peak's and Candlescience have won as my wax suppliers. I can also drive to pick up 6006 closer to Pittsburgh.

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Where would this be? I am only a couple hours north of pittsburgh.

They used to be called "Early American Candle Supply", but I noticed that my bookmarked link now takes me to a larger website called http://www.eapinnovations.com/

I have not driven up there yet, we usually only travel on the weekends, when they are closed. They still state that they are located in Allison Park.


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