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Storing Jar Candles

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Hi folks, I'm new to the forum and we just turned a hobby into a small business for me and my daughter. We are quite good at making candles so my question is, I live in Florida and have my bench set up in my garage which is 3300 sq ft. There is no A/C and it gets a bit hotter then I like. What is the best temp to store my jar candles and is the refrigerator an option. Thanks for any input.

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Your wax should have a melting point. Lower that by 10 percent after you add fragrance and additives.

If you have tall wicks that are still centered with a device, then the was temp (adjusted as above) should be fine. I would not store higher because that would result in a burnoff of the FO.

Now that said, consider storing lower. Don't freeze. No need to crack the wax or container.

But maybe 65-70 degrees would be fine? That should capture the FO and keep the candle pretty solid.

But if you want to share the wax formula with us, we might have better info for you.

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Thanks for the replys, I'm using 4726 and 10% soy blend which I down solid. I was getting concerned because it seems the wax is delaminateing from the glass. I was assuming it was from the heat while being stored. I love the site and will have more input.

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Guest OldGlory

Both of the waxes I use pull away from the glass - 464 soy blend and 6006 a parasoy - and it is not a result of heat. I am unfamiliar with your wax, sorry.

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