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How many cups to take to an event?


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This is the second year that I will be participating in a one day event at my corporation's headquarters. Last Saturday in September. 3,000-5,000 people attend.

Most of the exhibitors are craftspeople who will be selling jewelry, sculpture, paintings, cool hand lettered artwork, hand dyed silk scarves, children's clothing and such. All items are handcrafted. I am the only person with candle type product.

Last year I sold 4 melt squares in a cello bag for $2 a bag. Right after that show I tested and switched to 2 ounce cups. I will sell them as "any 2 for $3".

I took about 600 bags last year and I know that I sold about half. I had NO idea what to expect and while I was happy with what I sold, I clearly took too much (the last hour I sold a TON when I dropped the price to $1/bag).

I am taking 40 of my scents and am working on making a couple of batches of each in addition to what I already had on hand. That would have me somewhere in the range of 600 cups. That sounds like a lot but it does not look like enough. I do have a Facebook page to sell left over stock and also to take special orders if I run out of a scent someone wanted.

For those who take cups to an event, how many to you typically make and take? I'd sure appreciate hearing your plan/experience.

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2 for $3 is pretty inexpensive for them. But if that makes you a profit you're happy with, that's ok. :)

For an event like that, maybe 15-20 of each? maybe 30 of ones you think would be a best seller. You probably won't need that many but it will make you look nice and stocked.

It's been awhile since I've done a show. I sell my 2 oz cups for for $2.25 each or 10 for $17. More often, they'll buy the 10.

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Thank you.

I have 16-ish of each scent made now. Will reinforce some of my favorites. Since it should feel like Fall then, likely a bunch of my apple/pumpkin/spice types.

Last year I went really heavy in 12 scents (and even offered "sniff jars" of each of them) and then sort of tossed random others in wire bins by scent category and those sold first. Guess people enjoyed the hunt!

Thanks again!

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This is my video from last year. Will use same wire baskets to display the melts and have the shipping tags ready that say things like Vanilla and Vanilla Blends, Clean and Laundry, Apple and Apple Blends, etc.

Will not have sniff jars since cups are not sealed up like the bags were. Also added 2 other hanging signs.

Here is my hanging sign set up. Hung with torn muslin strips:


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