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Spreadsheets. Get asked about them a lot. Made jpg images to share.

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Received another PM asking if I would share my excel template. HAPPY to do so but have had to email it to those who have asked. Decided to make images of it since I cannot upload an excel spreadsheet here (sure hope they are readable!). My sheet with tabs is VERY simple. What you add to it is what makes it so valuable-not my basic grid.

I have gotten 425+ FO's into wax and have notes on every single one. Some detailed and some may say something profound like, "Yuck". I have tabs along the bottom where I document wax testing (how is wax testing helpful if afterward you cannot remember or think, "I think I liked that one"?). Also a tab for cost calculations. I have MANY more tabs along the bottom of mine.

It is likely that many of you have something more elaborate that you use but I wanted to share in case it could be a good start for some.

Main sheet:


Wax testing tab:


Cost tab:




Edited by justajesuschick
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That's cool it's similar to what I do. I use google drive which I love cause it's accessible everywhere so when I was at work I'd update and research like crazy. Until last week when they blocked drive. :( Thanks for sharing :)

That is (was?) a great idea! I have the spreadsheet on a jump drive but having it more accessible would be nice, too.

Great!! Thanks. I have pen and paper notes!! :)

Nothing wrong with that, either. Plenty of successful folks here have done it that way for years!

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