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Does wax go bad/expire?

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I bought my last case of 4627 locally, just a couple of months ago. Top of the first bag seemed normal but the bottom seems softer and the smell a little stronger.

I am testing some new FO's and unless many are duds, my HT seems diminished.

Could be the FO's or that my hubby has on every ceiling fan in the place and the A/C going strong as well.

My making method did not change.

Made me wonder if I got an older box of wax or if warehouse conditions mattered. These things may not factor at all.

Lots of variabilty comes into play, I know, but I thought I would ask.


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Okay. One variable was yesterday's FO's. Today's FO's are strong and what I expect from my melts.

My question still remains about longevity/expiration of wax.

I will not buy at the local place again. With a Peak shipping sale I only saved a little and the "experience" was not worth it. VERY industrial area, dirty, boxes haphazardly labeled-had to follow the guy from the trailer to the warehouse, had the wrong waxes in my car (glad I double checked before leaving!) and more fun. I guess that I was expecting a showroom/storefront. I am going back to receiving nice neat boxes on my porch! haha!

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In my opinion and experience, your problem with testing yesterday and today more than likely is attributable to inconsistencies in the same brand/type of wax, especially IGI preblended waxes, i.e., 4627, 4630, 4633, etc. For example, some batches of wax will contain more petrolatum than others so they are simply formulated differently. These inconsistencies will drive you crazy trying to figure out if you mixed a batch correctly, if something is wrong with the FO, pointing fingers at the distributor and in your case, suspecting innocent hubby (LOL).

Wax can withstand a lot of adverse weather-related conditions and it will last years before it goes bad, again, in my opinion and experience.

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It does seem a different consistency and smell at the bottom of a bag than at the top. This bag is different than other bags I have gone through. One thing that makes me feel better is that all I am testing this past week and weekend are from the same pour batch and today's were stronger than the last couple of days.

I cannot imagine how a change that I can notice just in my melts would affect candle making. Wicking is complicated enough with known variables!

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Justajesuschick I noticed your location say's Missouri. Can I ask what part of Missouri and if the warehouse you when to was also in Missouri. I live in southeast MO and am alway's looking for warehouse's and such to save on shipping.

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