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Type of Wax for Pie Shell or Fruit embeds?

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To make a fruit embed or pie shell, can I use votive wax to make them or do I need pillar grade for them to hold up well to having hot gel wax poured on them? I am considering making these items with the molds but unsure of the type of wax that work best with them. Any suggestions would be appreciated! I currently have a votive blend wax which is what I was going to experiment with for now with one mold.

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I've only done a few embeds but no pie crusts. I use 4625. A woman that I ordered online from makes embeds and that's what she uses which is why I tried it in the first place. I'm sure someone else with more experience will give you some good advice. I wish I could be more help!

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That is the blend I was looking into ordering at Candle Science! I will give that a try!! Thanks so much for the suggestions.

Anyone know how hot wax can be when you pour it into a mold? I saw a site online suggest 160 degrees is the hottest you want to go without warping the mold? I only bought the pie crust mold to try this with but if I want to make alot of these, I believe learning to mold them myself would be alot cheaper then buying the premade all the time.

Whipped wax should be use with a container brand wax Im guessing?

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If you're using a silicone mold then you can pour hotter than 160. I think the molds I buy from flexible molds and on ebay will endure up to 300 degrees.

But if you pour into clamshells you don't want to pour hotter than 160, or at least I don't. They will melt if you pour too hot.

I've whipped wax once and used container wax. I'm not sure if you could do it with a harder wax but container wax should be fine.

I saw a video on you tube where a woman was showing how she made the crusts on her pie candles. It was some company online and had some nice looking pie candles but I can't remember their name. I do remember that it was real easy the way she made the crusts and she did several at a time. I was amazed! You could probably search you tube and find it. It wasn't hard at all and that would keep you from having to buy several pie crust molds. I know from experience that silicone molds can run into a lot of money.

Hope this helps!

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