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4625/4630 mix


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I followed a lengthy thread on how good 4625 (75%) and 4630 (25%) is for making long lasting strong tarts. I made that this morning in several scents. I poured into soufflé cups instead of clams, but talk about sinkholes. I have perfect looking little "tornadoes" in there! This would most definitely require a repour, which I hate doing. No doubt it would be great in molds and maybe a clam, but the cups... not so good. Did I maybe pour too hot? Wax was probably 175 when I finished stirring. Would pouring cooler help this or is this combo just going to do that? Would adding more 4630 help eliminate a repour? Anyone know?



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I used 4625/4630 for about a year. I always blended 50/50. I just changed my blend but would go back to that blend any day. I pour into cups and have not gotten sinking. I will not do a second pour so if I had experienced that issue, I'd sure remember it. I pour as soon as I am done stirring so still very warm. I pour into 2 oz. oval Ellipso brand cups.

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I'll try pouring it cooler if I make it again - depends when testing starts. I know the pour temp matters when making candles, but when you are doing tarts, does that still apply? Does the pouring temp effect the strength of scent or the throw?


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