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Pie Candle Question

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Hello! I am new to this forum but have made candles in the past as a hobby. Mainly votives, some tin as well. I recently decided to get into bakery candles. I just recieved all of my starter materials today! I am going by pictures mainly but thought I might ask --

1)when pouring wax into a tin plate and using a wax lattice pie topper, does both paraffin and gel wax hold up well in the tin?

2How much gel should one use for a 5 inch pie tin or wax shell with fruit embedds? I have never used gel wax before and I bought the thinnest type for my trial with this.

3)What is used to make wick holes in the pie shell? Can I heat one of my votive pins to pop through or would that risk breaking the wax shell too much?

4)Also, anyone have any advice on making pumpkin pie candles? The filling is paraffin wax?

Before I bought the candle supplies, I thought you could put the wax lattice topper on the wax pie shell...now seeing it for myself I see that its probably just the tin being filled with wax and the pie topper put on top. If it's something I could do well, I'd like to venture into making my own wax shells from molds but for now, starting with the premade to test it out.

Thank you!


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I have never attempted bakery candles but have bought a few. I had a pie slice that caught fire and almost burnt my house down. These kinds of specialty candles require extensive testing for safety. I know there are plenty of boared members who make these kinds of candles but I'm not sure you can get reliable help other than testing different combinations until you are satisfied with the results. Good luck.

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I make them but I don't use your wax so can't advise on wick size other than you would probably have better luck triple wicking them. But chuck_35550 is right... extensive testing is an absolute must, as well as proper warning labels.

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Thanks for the input! That is a scary experience! My guess is maybe some whom make them really just intend them for display purposes only when they aren't making something like that properly. My goal is just to accomplish creating one first and then to keep experimenting. My idea with the votive pin worked (although takes a while to do) so I have to find out what people use when they say "drill" holes at the bottom of the shell. But at the moment, I have three holes and wicks in....next is to get the gel, find out how much will go into a 5 inch pie shell as I can't seem to find these measurements online.

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I know this may sound crazy but when I was making these I used a little plastic stick type thing that I got from a cheap kite my son broke to make my holes for wicks. You know the kite has those little side sticks on both side to give the kite shape. It made the perfect size hole. Once I removed my pie shell from the mold I just went ahead and punched holes in it. Once I figured out where I wanted the wicks placed I just kept one shell as a guide and place it inside other shell and made my holes in the new shell to get the wick in the exact place. I know this sounds weird but this is what worked for me. lol. Your pies look great but one thing I would do is move the wicks in closer to the middle to prevent the sides from burning so quickly. HTH.

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My daughter has a few of those cheap kites, haha I know what you are talking about! Thank you for the tip!! What I have been doing is heating the votive pins so it goes through the wax much faster of course.

I did notice when I made the first three my wicks were a bit too far so with the fourth (the lattice berry pie) I tried getting them closer together. I'm using 5" pie shells so was trying to center the fruit but also, a bit tricky to center the wicks just so because they get pushed out as the fruit settles it seems? I'm waiting on more materials to make more. I ordered just enough to test it and see if I liked making these! haha And so far, I really do!!

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