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What is happening with these tarts? Take a look...

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Here is one of my recently poured tarts. It is made with Ecosoya PB and XceL. 60/40.

They were poured ~150-145° in room temp silicone molds (~70-75° room temp at that time).

Is this just normal "frosting"?


This is the first time I have had a tart do THIS:


This one was made with PB/XceL 70/30. I heated the molds a bit before I poured these in, but not too much warmer than room temp. They were poured at the same temp as the tart above.

Can anyone explain to me what this is called and what causes it to happen?

I tested these tarts and they throw pretty good, it is just the appearance that I am not happy with.


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That doesn't look like frosting to me. Or at least frosting that I've experienced. Have you tried pouring into something that's not silicone? I haven't had that experience pouring into silicone.

I'm sorry I'm not really being helpful. lol

Oh I use the same blend but I think I've mentioned that to you before.

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I have used metal molds. At times I had the same "frosty" appearance, but it was more uniform. I hope that makes sense. This is happening even when I am sure my molds are not too cold. I have to be doing something wrong I am just not certain what it is yet.

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May I ask what FO% you are using?

It looks like it could be a couple of things. One, too much FO for your wax combination. Or two, didn't mix the FO well enough. Your first pic looks like the FO is not mixed very well and the second like too much FO. Are the tarts weepy at all?

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These were made with 3oz/lb of some Just Scent oil. Perhaps the amount of FO is too much, I hadn't really thought of that because it was working fine with straight PB. I am going to try a batch with less FO...I bet I see a difference. I feel kinda silly now...

What is "weeping"?

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These were made with 3oz/lb of some Just Scent oil. Perhaps the amount of FO is too much, I hadn't really thought of that because it was working fine with straight PB. I am going to try a batch with less FO...I bet I see a difference. I feel kinda silly now...What is "weeping"?

Weeping is when you use too much FO and it starts leaching out of the wax and the wax could feel wet to the touch, or forms droplets on the surface of the wax. Using 3 oz./lb of any FO is a total waste of money. The most I ever use in any of my candles is 1 oz/lb and in tarts I sometimes use 1.25 oz/lb. :cool2:

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Weeping is when you use too much FO and it starts leaching out of the wax and the wax could feel wet to the touch, or forms droplets on the surface of the wax. Using 3 oz./lb of any FO is a total waste of money. The most I ever use in any of my candles is 1 oz/lb and in tarts I sometimes use 1.25 oz/lb. :cool2:


Dave @ Charlotte Hall Country Candles

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I didn't think to ask how much FO.

Me, either and I should CERTAINLY should have. I am guilty of using too much FO. I started with 1 oz./PP wax and when that was not enough I went right to 2 oz./PP wax and I had an issue with FO not incorporating, so I have been there, too. No need to feel silly! Trust me when I tell you that I could easily fill this board with stuff I did because I did not know, did not research, misunderstood someone's directions or chose to experiment on my own! That is all part of how we learn and develop our own system.

I still use quite a bit more FO than some others. I'll not share what I do since I do not use your wax combo. I do not want to give poor advice.

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I push my tart wax sometimes, too. If 1oz pp is good, 2oz must be better, right? :):) (jk) I'll get the bloom, like in the first pic, if I've went a bit too far with the FO. I've done it on melts I make for myself and I REALLY like the fragrance. But as Chris said, 3oz pp of any FO is a waste.

And like Karen said, this is how you learn your wax and your system. Take good notes and you'll know for the next time. Good luck with your next batch!


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Thanks so much for the replies and advice everyone. I need and appreciate it.

I knew I was pushing it with the 3oz...but it seemed like a fantastic idea! Super tarts! :wink2: But, for my tarts (and my wallet), I'm going to cut back on the amount of FO. Hopefully doing that will get my tarts to look like I want them to, and I will be able to make a lot more.

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