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Very frustrated right now!!! UGHHH!

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I have been reading this site for quite a bit now, and just finally have "officially" joined :yay: I love this site, you guys have so much knowledge. I have only been doing candles for about a year and a half so, I don't feel knowledgeable enough to give certain advice , as I always am learning every day!! I am addicted to reading this forum and if I didn't have to work would probably just read this every minute! lol! So, I am here asking for some input so I don't slam my head against the wall! I am using ecosoya 135 currently and have tried many different wicks/sizes because they always seemed to tunnel somewhat. Right now I am using eco 14 wick, this one seems to finally burn evenly across....BUT, after burning for about 6 -7 hours I just looked over and the flame is HIGH, probably at least 2" and flickering slightly. This is the longest I have had it going before so I have never seen it do this before, and am a bit alarmed! I feel like everytime I fix one thing something else needs fixing and it is an endless battle! I'm sure everyone has gone through this as well, it is just driving me insane right now!! Any suggestions? I may try going down a wick again, I just felt like it did not burn all the way across. I'm thinking of trying some other waxes as well, I have yet to decide if I love this wax, could be just because of my frustration with wicking, once I get it perfect probably will change my mind. I love the ecosoya pb, has an excellent ht!!! At least one thing is going my way! lol. I hope I am making sense, it is way past my bedtime! I have been trying to search all day but it just keeps coming up as an error when I hit the search button...any insight and thoughts would be fantastic and tia!

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Try the candlescience wick guide, it can at least give you a good start point. I'm using ecosoya pb as well but for votives, just burned my first candle last night. Also look at peak and candlewic and they both have a few charts on wicks to go with waxes and sizes :)

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Oh man, I just placed a wick order from peak literally one minute ago! Maybe I can call in the a.m and add some more...Also thinking of trying double wicking, as I have been reading this could even help my fragrance throw stronger? I'm up for anything really!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, When you say you had it burning for 6-7 hours was that at one time or over a period of time. And just remember things like flame size could be down to correct length wick and wick trimming during the burn. Hope I don't sound condescending just taking it back ti simple solutions often overlooked once you become a little more experienced. H

Hope this helps a little,


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  • 3 weeks later...

With the wax that I use (c3) and two different container sizes, the wicks that Candle Science's guide recommended were two sizes bigger than what eventually ended up working. Although, I use the term "working" loosely, since wick testing has been an absolutely never ending process for me...

P.S. I had to chuckle when I noticed that there are several other similar threads listed at the bottom that all have the word "frustrated" and numerous exclamation points. Just goes to show that we've all been there, I guess! :grin2:

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