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Cbl 129

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So..... major conflicting info. here. Anyone know the solution to this puzzle? If so, please share, as I am not the only one confused over this.

Earlier today I received the Candlewic newsletter; there is a section on pouring clamshells. It advises to heat the CBL129 to 140 degrees, add the dye and the FO at that temp.

This does not match the instructions on the CBL129 page.

Now, some of you may say that any wax should be poured below 140 degree to prevent warping of the clamshells; I agree and that is what I do.

However, the newsletter specifically states to add dye and FO at 140 degrees, not about the pouring into clamshells temp; I am very surprised, as I always added the FO around 180 - big diff.

What suprised me even more is the suggested temp. for soy wax, but I won't get into that because I am not interested in soy.

This is not all (is this beginning to read like a rant? You bet!). In the span of 2 or 3 years, I called Candlewic for technical advice on the CBL129; called them 3 times, to be exact. Each time the #1 wick suggested was the zinc wick, not what is suggested on a different page. Just a sec, please...

Ok, here you go:



Can we/they get all on the same page, please?

To recap:

1. Conflicting info. on temperature

2. Conflicting info. on wicks

Do we add FO (I do not use dyes so that does not concern me) at 140 or 180-190?

Are zinc wicks still the #1 wick or is it the Lxs, RRDs, etc.?

Just a tad flustered here...

Edited by Ravens
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Pretty sad with what is going on with these suppliers lately.

We should have a new thread up soon about how wonderful the FOs are or something similar.

Many of us like CW and their products, that isn't disputed. The problem is info that not only is wrong with what we all know but info that is conflicting within the same site or high shipping costs, which Bill did address with a shipping sale, to his credit.

Either these places are trashing their customers if they dare say a word (not CW), sending out wrong products (not CW), sending 5 days after ordering (not CW), giving wrong info (CW & another), and who knows whatever else.

Facts are facts and the suppliers need to fix these issues without being glossed over with transparent follow up threads so we help each other and get suppliers to get their act together.

I'm going to continue to add my FO at 180-185 degrees.

My rant is over.

Edited by jeanie353
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Did you try emailing Bill Binder at CW? I had a problem with one of their Palm Pillar waxes and he was wonderful in explaining everything. He even sent me samples of the wicks he recommended free of charge.

Before Vickey at Ky Candle Supply became a supplier, we were both using CBL129 and always compared notes. That was probably back in 2002/2003. Then when she started KY, she was selling CBL129; but then she tested soy and eventually stopped selling CBL wax. I used the other CBL wax too...for votives and tarts. That was before clamshells.

Anyway...I would make it a point to discuss this with Bill Binder.

Oh...edited to add that I THINK I used HTP wicks with CBL129. I have old notes somewhere in my workshop. I haven't poured a candle in over 2 years so my shop is in the mess that I left it before Christmas in 2011. IF I dare walk in it, I'll look for my old notes.

Edited by Maggie
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I read this email not too long ago and one other point that stood out was they talk about their CBL129 being idea for a clamshell because of its great cold throw. Hhhmmmm, if you are trying to sell it to me maybe you should talk about it's awesome HOT throw in various kinds of wax warmers on the market.

And, how can you ONLY take soy wax up to 120* if the melt points are in the 125-130 range? Soy PB is listed as 128 melt point, and that is what I have used in the past for tarts/clams.

And.....even when I use liquid color I still need to add it to hotter wax or it lays on the bottom in a pool, it mixes better at the higher temp.

This was one thing that made me N*U*T*S as a newbie. I read so many conflicting details that I just stopped reading and figured it out for myself.

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Thank you, Maggie for the suggestion, and here's hoping you will find your old notes, lol

Did you try emailing Bill Binder at CW? I had a problem with one of their Palm Pillar waxes and he was wonderful in explaining everything. He even sent me samples of the wicks he recommended free of charge.

Before Vickey at Ky Candle Supply became a supplier, we were both using CBL129 and always compared notes. That was probably back in 2002/2003. Then when she started KY, she was selling CBL129; but then she tested soy and eventually stopped selling CBL wax. I used the other CBL wax too...for votives and tarts. That was before clamshells.

Anyway...I would make it a point to discuss this with Bill Binder.

Oh...edited to add that I THINK I used HTP wicks with CBL129. I have old notes somewhere in my workshop. I haven't poured a candle in over 2 years so my shop is in the mess that I left it before Christmas in 2011. IF I dare walk in it, I'll look for my old notes.

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I knew as soon as I read this month's "Enlightener" this was going to happen!

I'm just now seeing this. I had to search to find it after reading a post from Ravens in another thread.

I immediately emailed Bill Binder when I read the newsletter I received.

I told him his newsletter was well written (style) and timely, but the change in attitude about temperatures would be at best, controversial.

I think I see where he's coming from, though.

We may be working in too high temperature ranges to get the maximum scent throw possible for our products.

Many times I've had some oils nearly sizzle when I add them to wax in the 160 to 180'ish range. I wonder how many of the more volatile top notes simply vanish when that happens. How much of the FO's fragrance notes are burned off before it even get's in the container?

I personally plan to try working in the lower ranges. If I get good blending, I'm staying there. I primarily use liquid dye and I know how to fix oils that are difficult to blend so I'm pretty sure Bill's NEW advice is sound, at least for me.

OTH; I've told him this too; His website is a mess. There are not only errors, but there are problems, for me at least, to find things. I'd rather go a round or two with a mugger than to find the pricing on his fragrances before ordering.

I've politely told him he should shop his own site and draw his own conclusions. He told me he would, but he also mentioned he does not have an in-house webmaster. (Like some companies including Peak. My additional comments are contained in commas.

I think Bill really does care about us and our opinions.

PLEASE, I'm not trying to take credit for anything that Bill Binder does with his business in anyway at all, but it is a bit interesting at best that just couple weeks ago we talked about many things including wickless wax and clamshell tart trends, CBL-129, and high shipping charges. Who know's he might be working on his website issues as I type this.

I hope! I hope! I hope!


Dave @ Charlotte Hall Country Candles

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Well, Dave, I hope he will do something about his website; it's nearly as bad as Bitter Creek's.

So are you saying that FOs in the CBL129 should perhaps be added at that low of a temp? Your opinion - and Bill's - would be much appreciated.

Oh, and please ask him for more detailed projects using the CBL129... not much info on that wax, and yet it has great throw. The way I see it, the more info you provide, the more "projects" you demonstrate using a product, the higher the odds that customers will buy, kwim?

One more thing (yes, I'm a PITA), how about sending him one of those Aromabeads candles from Walmart and see if it may be one of CW's waxes (specifics would be nice :wink2:).

Thanks, Dave; you're a doll

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought there were already at least two other members on the board with usernames that begin with PITA. (lol)

I felt I explained my thoughts on the temperature issues. I am going to TRY Bill's suggestion to add FO at lower temperatures. It makes sense to me. If he's full of hooey, I'll just keep increasing it gradually to I find the "magic number". I do know that what I smell coming out of those pour pots should be going into my jars and not the air.

Bill has already told me everything he will about CBL-129 and I've posted everything I know about it on the board.

I received the CBL-129 last Wednesday, if my memory serves me correctly. I have not used it yet. It looks to me like an all-purpose firm paraffin Pillar/Tart/Container?/Votive/Tealight/Clamshell . . . (Whew!) wax to me.

If and when I do melt, scent, pour and test the CBL-129 in clamshells, I will report in a new thread. I have at least 100 more urgent tasks staring at me right now and my shop just got restocked with melts that I want to sell-down first. I have no plans at this time to use it for any purpose other than clamshell melts.

My wife purchased a couple of the granulated wax candles from Walmart. I'm not over-impressed or concerned about them. I didn't burn them yet. I have a stack of candles in my "need to test" box ahead of them. There's no point in me sending one to Bill Binder. I know he will not discuss what he produces for special customers.

The "Aroma Beads" candles, however, in my opinion, look exactly like the granulated wax I purchased from Candlewic several years ago. I'm sure if you were interested in buying several tons he would make some up for you too. (lol)

Contrary to what many on the board may feel, I'm just another small-time chandler with CW. I respect Bill for not discussing his competitors or his customers. I do wish he'd fix his website, however.

Last week, I placed a small ($125.00) order that had a 33% shipping discount. The box that arrived here was really heavy and if I recall the shipping was about $17.00.

For the first time ever in a "bunch" of shipments over many years, my order was "messed-up". A couple of the fragrances I ordered had been switched. CW uses a numbering system to ID their products. The "picker" must have missread the similar numbers. I suspect they might have been busy that day, because it was the last day of their shipping discount sale.

I called the office and spoke to Ellen, in customer service. I was shocked not to get a "leave a message" notice from an answering machine. She was very friendly and very apologetic. There was no sense at all that she was thinking I was trying to put one over on them. I have no recollection of having spoken to her before. When I call Bill I use his private extension number.

NO! Don't even think about asking! I promised Bill I would not post it. You won't need it anyway. He returns calls when left for him. The person answering the phone will switch you over to him. If I was a girl and we were both unmarried, I would "flirt" with him! . . . He's a sweet guy! lol

Anyway; Ellen told me she would have the proper FO's sent out to me promptly. She did not mention returning or buying the mistaken FO's. Fifteen minutes later, I received an email from Fed-X with a tracking notice. The package arrived at my house the next day, actually twenty-six hours after I placed the call.

I can live with a messed up website when the service and product quality is that good!


"Dave in Exile"

I've been expelled from my kingdom. My former subjects wanted a smarter, healthier and better looking monarch. They said they would even be willing to pay higher taxes in order to get rid of me.

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Dave, I wasn't asking about the temperature deal, just if you had tried the CBL129 at all; your opinion in regards to throw, longevity, etc. - its performance, basically. I ordered a case but haven't opened it yet!

Pssst! Do you know what would work even better for Candlewic and the rest of us? To have the shipping sale without a minimum purchase tag.... like the folks at Peak's do fairly often (hint hint, Dave :P)

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I thought there were already at least two other members on the board with usernames that begin with PITA. (lol)

"Dave in Exile"

:grin2: haha

and with that statement..

Last week, I placed a small ($125.00) order that had a 33% shipping discount. The box that arrived here was really heavy and if I recall the shipping was about $17.00.

Did any Pearberry by chance come in that shipment Dave in Exile? :drool:

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:grin2: haha

and with that statement..

Did any Pearberry by chance come in that shipment Dave in Exile? :drool:

NO! As I recall you said you found another source from another member. I didn't order it.


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Dave, I wasn't asking about the temperature deal, just if you had tried the CBL129 at all; your opinion in regards to throw, longevity, etc. - its performance, basically. I ordered a case but haven't opened it yet!

Pssst! Do you know what would work even better for Candlewic and the rest of us? To have the shipping sale without a minimum purchase tag.... like the folks at Peak's do fairly often (hint hint, Dave :P)

I thought you were asking again what I thought about the "temperature deal". The quote from your post that I replied to pretty much now has me confused;

"So are you saying that FOs in the CBL129 should perhaps be added at that low of a temp? Your opinion - and Bill's - would be much appreciated."

I don't want to "wear out my welcome" with Mr. Binder by asking the same questions and raising the same points (website & shipping) but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind "speaking" for himself if someone else were to ask. Candlewic's phone number is 800-368-3606. . . (hint hint, back at ya') lol


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  • 1 month later...

Ravens, in my quest to find the perfect wax to make the perfect tart (is there such a thing????) I've tried just about every combo there is. I have not tried CBL 129 so I ordered some. I know you've raved about this wax in the past, but I was wondering do you still use it? I believe it is all paraffin and will need repours into the cups and possibly tarts? I'd be willing to do that if I could find a wax that makes a tart last longer then 8-10 hours. I know this is old thread, but I hope this question finds its way to you. Thanks so much!!


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Sent you a PM :smiley2:

Ravens, in my quest to find the perfect wax to make the perfect tart (is there such a thing????) I've tried just about every combo there is. I have not tried CBL 129 so I ordered some. I know you've raved about this wax in the past, but I was wondering do you still use it? I believe it is all paraffin and will need repours into the cups and possibly tarts? I'd be willing to do that if I could find a wax that makes a tart last longer then 8-10 hours. I know this is old thread, but I hope this question finds its way to you. Thanks so much!!


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