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Carved Candle ..... Help!

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I just carved my first candle and what a disaster. The first one my layers were all separating. The color was too light (wanted Red and got Pink). So I added more red pigment.... solved that problem the second candle made. Third candle came out a little better. However, on all three candle attempted, my wax kept cracking. Straight after my last dip, I carved the bottom off and began.... so the wax was still warm... still cracked layers? The wax I'm using is IGI 1343. I've made the mold with no problem. Can anyone assist me and give me some experienced feedback no what you think I'm doing wrong...? Oh and the temp I'm dipping at is 145 F. Is that too hot?

Thanks everyone who helped...

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I'm a little hesitant to chime in here because I'm not very experienced. I started carving just recently and I've only done about a dozen candles so far.

So, take my 2 cents for what it's worth. :-)

I agree with JOYM. That dipping temperature seems way too low. I dip even higher than JOYM... about 170F.

Also, make sure that your water dip isn't really cold, about 70F or so.

I'm glad to hear that someone else on this board is interested in candle carving. There don't seem to be very many of us here.

Best of luck!

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Good Morning...

I tell you guys one thing, I have more respect for candle-makers. You guys that are experienced, make it look so easy... I say to myself "I could do that!" However, you try it and you understand the difficulty of the hard work in it. Never the less, I'm not giving up. With that said...

Okay, I'll increase the temp of my wax and see how that works. Also, I'll look into micro-crystalline. I haven't heard of it but interested in finding out more on how it works and see if I need to use it.

Once I have a reasonable candle made, I'll post a picture.

Thank you guys for the reply. All the help is greatly appreciated.


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Microcrystalline wax can have some really amazing effects on the properties of plain paraffin.

Here's a link to the IGI microwaxes. http://igiwax.com/igi-products/by-type/microcrystallinewax.html

There's a ton of good information on that site. Finding suppliers is somewhat difficult, however.

I'm not sure where you're located, but if you're in the Eastern US you might want to give the 4045EP from Candlewic a try.

That's their own in-house blend and it works pretty well, but I can't afford the shipping so I'm trying to make my own blend with the IGI 1343A as the base wax.

I'd love to see some pictures. If I can ever figure out how to download from my phone I'll post a few of my own.

Best of luck.

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