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Football theme scents


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I am trying to get my feet off the ground with my business and thought about doing a superbowl promotion. I was going to get the little candy molds and make football and helmet shape tarts. I don't dye mine usually, but in this case I will with the super bowl teams colors. Now the tricky part.....what type of scents?

I thought grass, leather, a clean linen/cotton and I even thought about doing half and half like raspberry and vanilla for a red/white team. I am just trying to think of a neutral scent!

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Leather for sure. I would also do one like a men's cologne. I can't keep enough of the Just Scents A&F Fierce in stock. Men and women both love this. Also the French Vanilla & Oak from RE/AH is great as well as Cracklin Birch from NG. All 3 really are gender neutral and sell like crazy for us. You can change the names to football related. Touch Down, Locker Room, etc. We did a fundraiser for a baseball team a couple years ago and the boys named all the scents. Can't remember what they called leather, something to do with glove but the A&F fierce they named locker room and it sold like crazy.

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Masculine scents *head smack* not sure why I didn't even think of things like that and cologne. Thanks so much for the direction. If anyone else has suggestions please let me know!

I hate it, for now I have to limit myself to one or two stores because of very limited funds. But I found these three on NG. If anyone has experience with doing these in soy wax, let me know!

Cracklin Birch (since that was suggested)

The Perfect Man

The Fresh Outdoors

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Cracklin birch is amazing - I have not used the other 2

Some more names could be

Blind side


Very cute idea! I love doing stuff like this - I have a Michigan line and a western line and had so much fun with names- good luck!

Forgot to add also that Peaks has a great grass scent for turf

And their black canyon is a super strong masculine scent- very nice

And their downy fresh is really good for a jersey type scent

Edited by moonshine
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The Yankme scent First Down in their defunct mancandles line is a blend of leather, fresh cut grass and rosewood. Don't know the mixing ratio...but I assume the leather and rosewood are the most dominate; at least that's what I smell.

Can't get much more football-themed than that!

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