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Tarts, bears, scrubs n stuff

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Hey everyone (smile).. I wasn't sure where to post this considering I just wanted to check in and talk (alot lol) and maybe get a little help..

Could somebody PLEASE PM me and exchange a few replies with me (justajesus, I'm singling you out cause you're here as much as me lol)..I've had a few people PM me but, when I answer back I never hear from them again.. I don't know if they are just too busy to respond or if they/or I are landing in a some spam pile.. Thank you!

Things I've done/learned so far... I've made a tone of melts (thanks to my new FO addiction lol). I gave everyone a good selection of melts and tart burners for christmas = testers are all set up.

Dove into dipping bears - unfortunately, I didnt decide to do this until 2 1/2 weeks before christmas. So the week of Christmas I got a crash course and dipped 22 bears and thought I'd die trying to get them all done lmao..

Newbie tips> I sold multable bears to my sisterinlaw at cost, to give as gifts.. At first I was a little resentful when she took full advantage and kept my butt working into the wee hrs of the morning. However, I have recieved orders for several more bears from those people she gifted..Getting a little bit of a customer base ( I am throwing in a free sample melt with all orders/gifts.

Tip 2- I wish I could give credit to the person that posted this tip. It's sooo helped me out.. If it's you, speak up!...They posted that they kept their oven on 170 degrees, lined a cookie sheet with paper towels (this is left in the oven) I preheat my pour pot (this is great when dipping) Toss in your whisk etc..everything stays neat and easy to clean. Thank you

Tip 3- If you're gonna do samples..Don't forget the 2 oz containers.. I got all 1 and 4 oz containers.. 1 oz isnt quite big enough (for say a scrub) and 4 oz will keep them in product far too long lol...If cost is an issue I'd just get those soufflee cups at wallmart/next to the dixie cups..and there a tons of recipes that call for inexpensive ingredients- olive oil, lard, sugar.

Tip 4- If you're not a math whiz, start collecting allll the soap/percentage/conversion calculators you find online.. You never know what you may want to get into next..And remember google is your friend. But ya gotta type it in just right..exmple> type in> 2.5 ounces equals how many grams

B&B- For my friend who has the red chapped ring around her lips(grimace) I've made a combo pack of a Lip scrub, healing/emu oil lip salve and a lip balm to protect..So hope it works for her..

For my fellow coworker whos obsessed with patchouli (I made patchouli lotion (premade base-cause I'm still skeered of making lotion lol) Also made her a 4 in 1 spray made with patchouli and Nathanial (daystar) 50/50 omg, I don't even care for patchouli but this fragrance was awesome! Luuurve me some Nathanial

For my nieghbor who has aligator skin from yrs of tanning (she was not impressed with my lotion/goat milk cream base mix- you all know that's just made me determined! lol)I made her a lotion bar and an emulsified sugar scrub (Eugnia's recipe) Its not all the way set up yet but I love it!..Thank you

Today I think Ill make an emulsified body butter and a whipped body frosting or whipped shea to go with her scrub... I'd love to win her over. Even though I'll be spending the next yr or so testing/learning.. She's an excellent sales woman, which I am not.

Next, I'm going to start studying cp soap, I'm fascinated. lol

I know a lot of members like to stay on one product till its perfected.. But for me, I'm finding that by trying different recipes back to back..I'm quickly learning how all the ingredients work together..What will sub for what etc...

The point of all my rambling is because I really don't have enough experience to contribute much(yet)..But I really am glad I found you all and pretty grateful for all the generous help/recipes etc cause I'm seriously loving this..Hoping I can help that newbie out there thats a little intimidated to jump in.

OK, don't leave me hanging out here with this long a** post, haha...Tell us what you've been up to/have learned!... Have a fantastically fragrant day

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Hi Ivy and welcome to the group!

Sounds like you have been super busy! All of your products sound really delicious. I am concentrating on cp soap, tarts and candles. Would love to move into scrubs and lotions but have more than enough to keep me occupied for now. I am in the process of making product for the coming spring and summer as I would like to try selling at a few craft shows.

Sounds like you are already on your way to building a customer base. Good on you.

Best wishes to you and happy crafting :P

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Yeah. Your post made me tired for you after reading all you have been doing! sheesh! Congrats on all the goodies and business.

I sent you a test PM so that you can see if it is working. I am heading to a meeting soon and will not be back until after lunch so if you see my message and answer, it may be awhile before I can respond.

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