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Thinking about retiring after the Holidays and Selling


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So I knew this day was coming but wasn't sure when or how I was going to feel and it's bittersweet. I've poured my heart and soul into my business and it truly has been a labor of love. However, my husband and I have been having some serious talks about retirement which would mean selling my business. It's just getting harder and harder to take a vacation and I don't want to take the business to the next step of hiring people, etc. So I've been doing some research and based on what I've discovered it has selling value. I have been in business just over 5 years and have been profitable for the last four. Have acquired approx 38 wholesale accounts, both in and out of state. Sell online to a decent retail base and maintain customer lists for both wholesale and retail. If anyone is interested or knows of someone who might be, please pm me for more info. At this point, I'm trying to keep this quiet so as to not upset my retailers so I haven't advertised and don't want to put detailed info in this post. I decided I would come back to where it all began and ask for help/advice/etc :undecided


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Wanted to update my post because I just can't do it.....I guess I am a candlemaking addict. Just such a tough decision nevermind that my customers are ordering and talking about Spring scents. My husband is understanding at least for another year. Then I may have to go down this road again.

Thank you to the forum members that messaged me. I wish you all the best in your businesess in 2013!!


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Thanks for the update - and the good news. Thank goodness you have an understanding husband. Hopefully you will be able to work out a schedule that will have several dedicated breaks for vacation time. With enough advanced notice your customers should be able to order around your timeline.

Wishing you the best in 2013 too!

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I so understand what you are going thru. I wanted to sell in 2009 and 2010 and me/husband decided on 1 more year. Well, at the end of 2010, I just knew

it was time to let her go. I was however very fortunate and found 2 local ladies wanting to buy my company. I now have way more time to do

the fun stuff like vacations. Believe me, it was very hard to let go. But, for me, it was exactly what me and my family needed and wanted.

Best of luck to you in 2013!


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Thanks for the nice comments...I think you are right, I should be able to schedule more vacations and my wholesale accounts should understand...I am going to work on that. Sometimes we forget that they are buying wholesale and making money from our products so we should call the shots!

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