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Anything in the same realm as Lagerfeld


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Trying to find a scent that might peak my hubbys interest for soaps etc....So far Ive gotten Perfect man, dragons blood and black type for men- NG... Hinoki from MMS..Nathaniel from Daystar- yum...oakmoss and tobacco carmel from wsp...Granted they've all been smelled OOB..But he's turned his nose up at everyone of them....

He's worn Lagerfeld for yrs.. We both loves this fragrance!...I don't want a dupe of it but does anyone know of an FO that is in that range? If you understand what I'm saying..

I plan on ordering black canyon and blue sugar next...Thanks for any suggestions guys (smile)

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For years my husband's favorite soap has been one that I make with teatree oil. Last year I bought a Bay Rum from NG and mixed it with real dark rum, some cinnamon and allspice and let that sit for a month. Then I made the same soap he liked with this as the added scent and he loves it!

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Could you describe the scent of Lagerfeld? I need to know which version he used so that I can try and help you pick an alternative or FO blend that might work for you.

Lagerfeld Classic, Photo, or Lagerfeld Man?

Edited by rctfavr3
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Here's the notes (simplified):

bergamot + grapefruit (citrons)

tobacco, cedar, oakmoss, leather (warm woods)

black pepper, cinnamon (spices)

vanilla, vetiver (base)

If you can't find a dupe, you might need to experiment with the above FOs.

I remember the cologne being a woody peppery dreamsicle type smell. Is this the Lagerfeld you're looking for?

If so, you might could try blending

SOS has an amazingly complex sweet tobacco fragrance that I think will work for your needs when paired with a bright citrus FO and deep woody leather FO. Might get you going in the right direction, if you can not find a comparable FO.

Edited by rctfavr3
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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally figured out how to relocate a past thread lol...sorry it took so long to reply back

So glad i did... Ill definitely try the dupes! Ty so much. Rct, I was referring to the "Classic" lagerfeld... So hard to describe the scent, the only word that comes to mind is..smooth....Maybe a "subtle" background note of vanilla/musk?...As opposed to like oakmoss( the one my son likes)...Daystar has an FO called Nathanial (so good)kind of reminds me of this one except a little more manly lol

Sad, It used to be a top seller..Now the only place I can find it is CVS...We'll be scrambling if they stop selling it lol...Anyway, thanks again you guys!

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