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Posts posted by Bfly

  1. I test in Scentsy warmers too. I have used other waxes in it as well, only issue is when you use a harder wax it does get hung up on the sides and sometimes the corners don't melt all the way, but nothing major. Personally, I prefer their warmers, the selection is great, but they are more expensive.

  2. Awesome, thanks guys!

    Carolyn, I had read about the ROE but then someone stated that they didn't really notice much change. I think I read somewhere else they recommend 1/10 of tsp (can't member for sure) pp...? Anyhow, do you have a suggestion of how much ROE you use in your hemp and is it noticeable scent wise?

    Texas Brat, ROE is rosemary oleoresin extract. Thanks for the olive remark, wasn't sure if it would trace too quick.

    Soycrazy, do you prefer one method over the other? I know CP is great for colors, but I'm not worried about that.

    I plan to superfat 7% so maybe a combo of the HP and ROE will be ok for me, fingers crossed. Now to find the right prices! Thanks again for all your help!

  3. Thanks, Chris! Have you soaped with either if these oils with good results? My face jus really loves the hemp.... not sure how fast I would be able to use it up though :/

    I also meant to ask if olive pomace would be alright for first time soaping in HP, I'm not doing any colors or anything so I fig it should be fine....?

  4. Hello!

    I haven't started soaping yet but I think I am ready. Plan on starting with HP.

    I love what the Hemp oil does for my problem skin and was wondering how many of you use more than 10%? I read that for most, over 10% seems to cause DOS, also saw this applies to the Sunflower oil as well. For those that do use over 10% of these oils, do you believe another oil can possibly stop the DOS? I plan to start with 10% and experiment but jus wanted some insight, the hemp is pretty expensive.

    Any other tips are more than welcome! I have read this forum up and down and have soapcalc'ed a few recipe ideas, feeling good bout getting started :D TIA

  5. I do double boiler too, use pyrex measuring cup to melt in. I measure out in the lil steel condiment cups, found a four pk super cheap at walmart. Then I use a syringe to fill the tubes, when done I throw the syringe in pyrex cup upside down to melt out any left over wax.

    I do an ounce for testing but jus use the same flavor since I love lip balm and so do my family and friends :) Good luck!

  6. I've only used it in lip balm so far but it was nice, jus not hard enough. There is a soy lip balm recipe on here, you can search it, I haven't tried it yet. My computer is being slow so I can't get the link up. But you can replace soy for beeswax, you jus have to use a lot more soy, like x4 ish.

  7. I've decided I am making and selling these for our charity walks coming up :) My mom has to raise $1800 for a 30 mil walk,. kinda glad she isn't doing the 60 mil this yr, lol. I hope they sell well enough to put a dent in it for her. My mom and MIL went crazy over the one I made :)

    Wanted your opinions.... I am thinking of labeling them like the breast cancer scarf (pink & white), ovarian cancer scarf (teals & blues), autism (blues), fibromyalgia (maroon & purples) and so on. The colors will kinda match the colors of the charities they are named after. I've learned in the past by trying to sell Mary Kay and saying it will go to a certain charity doesn't work all that great. So I am hopeful by giving a name and visual for all my fb friends that this may help...? I'm not a sales person, but would really like to contribute to our walks that we do each year, and teach my daughter that it's good to put in work without gaining material rewards :) Any experience you guys may have would be great, thanks!

  8. Do it, do it!!!! I jus made one last night, yaaaaaay :) It took me like 4.5 hrs and I have never knitted a full scarf jus a few inches. Spent more time making sure I was getting the right hole. It was super easy! I used the second vid on this thread with the guy and did every other hole like he did. I think it would be real hard to mess up cause even if you did the wrong hole here and there I doubt anyone would notice.

    Oh, sashy has a black and white, I grabbed some the other day. It's $4.99 @ Michaels

    I want the purse too, lol but then that requires soooo much work.....

  9. Asheebeans, I would imagine the sticks would be better for a ruffle scarf. Someone showed me a few weeks ago and it was surprisingly easy for me, but I am way faster on the loom than I am on the sticks. A wide scarf (13pegs) using the whole skeen takes me about 7 hrs total on the loom. I try to do a lil each night while watching some tv. I started a scarf on the sticks but took it off and did it on the loom cause I had to meet a deadline lol. But go for the sticks! And the ruffle is easy cast on.

    Sliver of wax, thanks for the good info! I jus picked up some sashy the other night :) Can't wait to find the time to work on it :)

  10. I use fco in roll-ons and sprays. But I also don't sell. In the sprays it will leave a spot on clothes but it comes out in the wash, so far anyhow. Although, if rubbed in completely I have not noticed it on clothes. My family and I also like to use the spray as an oil rub, nice shine in the summer.

  11. Thanks guys!

    Wowzers, a whole pallet....wonder were I would put that....my DH would kill me, but it is toally something I would do just to save $.

    I have so many photos to edit and send out, so that has kept me fairly tamed :) But a big box of wax staring at me makes it real hard to get anything else done!

  12. I love NG! But I only have ordered from them x 100 and CS when they had a sale. From your list I love the cracklin birch and lav vanilla (dupe of downeys, love to put a lil on an old rag and throw in the dryer) Jus poured christmas cabin today, yumm CT. Their customer service is great and I think most of their stuff is reasonably priced. Hope they work out for ya!

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