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Posts posted by JI

  1. I just get so depressed going to ww...

    And speaking of 80s, the students nowadays listen to classic rock etc, whoch is ironic if you think. I onceI made a passing reference to seeing Freddie Mercury's radio ga ga tour and their eyes lit up like saucers...granted it was my first concert. But there is nothing like high school students to make you feel old...(i am a hs teacher - so fossil status is routine).

  2. I love cs. There are many I have not tried and quite a few I have. I would like to start a review of their scents in three words or less...here goes mine!

    Green tea lemongrass-weak, blah, lemony

    Rainwater - lily, fresh, spring

    Cool citrus basil - soapy, floral, lemony

    Apple harvest - fall, spice, true

    Brandied pears - sweet, weird, oaky

    Chardonnay - fake, grapey, ugh

    Beach linen - cotton, fresh, clean

    Pecan pie - weird, weak, nutty

    Vanilla hazelnut - nutella meets vanilla!

    Violet lime - sweet, strong floral

    Rosemary - resinous, woodsy, heavy

    Scotch pine - fresh, resinous

    Lavender - nice, powdery, mixer

    Lime cooler - blah, fake sweet

    Lemon verbena - lemony pledge, herbal

    Coffee - chocolate, rich

    Chocolate - fake fudge

    Pumpkin pie - true, rich, spicy

    Cranberry marmalade - berries, orange, nice

    Pomegranate cider - weird, fruit

    Sea mist - cheap, rose

    Hawaiian breeze - tropical, heavy, ugh

    Cinnamon stick - spicy, clove, rich

    Grapefruit mangosteen - fresh, bright sweet

    Yellow rose - true, delicate, herbal

    Caribbean teakwood - rich, woodsy, smooth

    Baby powder - true, sweet fresh

    Tuscan melon apricot - summer, sweet, honey

    Black raspberry vanilla - fake sweet horrible

    Honeydew melon - fake sweet horrible

    Very vanilla - sweet strong

    Frankincense myrrh - aftershave heavy musky

    White tea - jasmine, citronella, herbal

    Basil herb - fresh, parsley, spring

    This is all I can think off for now. I am curious to see thoughts on other cs fragrances I haven't tried.

  3. Yes you cannot take random images from internet. This also includes images from the frageance supplier. No matter what they tell you. In my case I couldn't find several obscure frag photos so I took them from my frag supplier. The other remainder - vast majority were either from my camera or from microsoft free clipart website. I found another free clip art website as well. They offer free and paid. Just be really careful. It is scary the idea of getty using web bots or whatever to search them out. But I guess it is so serious it is lota of recenue loss. Scary part is the fines - like 1000 per photo. Good luck.

  4. True moonshine. I think getty since they have a whole dept must have plenty of fodder to work with so to speak. So you never know. Hopefully your website pics are good. I am sure they are but it is always better to be safe than sorry! I cannot imagine what happened to blissstreet. That is unbelievable that people would use another soap pic as of they had made and were selling thst exact soap!

  5. ChrisR, thank you for pointing out that I am wearing the red letter, so to speak. It is wrong by my own ommission. But I thought if I had done it maybe that there was someone else on this board who had used the candle supplier images. Maybe I am mistaken and it is just me. But either way, live and learn and most importantly, change.

  6. I do feel bad which is why I am remedying it this weekend. Maybe no one else on this board has used images from the supplier they use. The other day when I found out, I emailed the candle co and asked them about their images if I could use them. In my email today they didn't say yesor no. They said that they get the images from their supplier and cannot comment on their copyright status. But thst I should use my own discretion. I am still not going to use them.

  7. I have a website with frag descriptions. Under each frag there is a complimentary pic. Most of my pics I got from microsoft clipart. But I had a hard time finding some, so I would take the image from the candle fragrance supplier. I assumed that if I bought say lavender fo from say lonestar, that I could use lonestar's lavender fo image. I did this for at least 10 frag description pics. The rest of my pics of my product etc, I personally took.

    Getty is some huge image licensing company that has a whole dept searching out unauthorised images via software "robots". Apparently this is not just limited to getty. When they find an unauthorised image they send scary letters with 1,000 fines per image. Usually these images are worth say $20. But they tack on all these infringement fees. Even if you take it off immediately etc they do not care.

    Lonestar might have had permission to use the lavender image, but it doesn't automatically transfer to us. The problem with copyright issues is the laws are a little antiquated compared to our digital advancements. But they say theft is still theft.

    I am so disturbed about this, I took down my images from the candle companies and am replacing them all. There are reputable websites out there that give free and paid images. Obviously I am going with free. Also, they consider serious offenders those who use 10 or more. But they still target people who have used only 1-2. And they are even expanding their search to personal blogs. How will that work with pinterest? I am not sure how pinterest works, but don't you pin up images etc that you like?

  8. I agree. I met with the brewer. I negged the grains in the wax. Am looking now at making prototype beer candles. E.g. India Pale Ale, say 80% beer fo, 10% pine, 5% citrus and 5% floral. Not sure how they'll smell. He wants to do a similar thing with pumpkin ale, stout etc. I am looking for good beer fragrance on the fragrance board. Someone said candles and supplies is the most drafty. I wanted to avois coors type fo. The

    The brewer might have a fit! I would too if I were a brewer.

  9. I had a brewery approach me to make these. Any beer fo suggestions? I wanted more of a draft vs coors lite. Save on scents has a coors lite one. Anyone tried ng beer? To make ipa I was thinking of adding a dash of citrus and floral to the basic beer fo. Or pumpkin dash to make a pumpkin ale type. Any advice, I would really appreciate it!

  10. I have really been trying to slim down too but then I add an extra! Including seasonal I have 30. But fortunately five of these are blends of each other. So I have lavender and linens as separate fragrances. But then I offer it as a blend. It is nice to get three fragrances out of two oils so to speak! Especially since I buy those big 5 lb containers.

  11. So does the inside insert come out so I could put it on scale to weigh wax? Also what are your typical batch sizes? Right now I use old fashioned metal pitchers. Two at once, and they hold up to four lbs each. But I personally fill them up to three lbs. So one run I can make six lbs, two different fragrances. Is it easy to clean?

  12. I agree with rctfvr. For wholesale I personally do 2 times cost for wholesale. But my area has had a tougher time with economy. With all my pricing though I do factor in a percent labour charge on top of the wholesale markup. So the 2 x is really somewhat higher.

  13. Plus the flash points on wax is quite high. It is not like someone would heat up wax, let it smoke, and keep heating it. Plus when you have a flash pt of a fo say that is 118 degrees, this is at its full concentration. Not when it is being added at say a 6% load to wax. Isn't anything dangerous to a certain point? You have come to the right place. Members on this forum are amazing. I personally have learned and continue to learn so much. Btw since I sell I also carry product liability ins. It makes me sleep better at night. Like Chris said, wicking is probably the biggest thing.

  14. I totally agree with you that 40 is insane. I know I bought an oz of some eo a while back for $15 or so for my floor steamer. She is this holistic doc who totally believes do terra. She makes it into drinks and tonics for her patients etc and told me that all other eos are not good. I am not into holistic things or eos - although they do smell good. But there is no talking out of it with her. I already talked with her about increasing concentrations or blending it with a fo. What does one do? I got the impression from her that all other eos were adulterated and not suitable. I find it hard to believe. Oh, and to add insult to injury, the 40/oz is her wholesale pricing. Though some are in the 30 something range.

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