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Posts posted by glowworm

  1. I get strong throw in 415 with Fall Festival.

    Thanks Lorelei! I don't have any 415 but I do have some 464, I'm not sure how comparable they are but I will give it a shot. I think I will also try a couple other waxes as well...I'll let you all know.

  2. This fragrance is really awesome and that's why I keep making it for myself until I can figure out how to make it throw a little better.

    rctfavr3- I bet you are right about it maybe just not liking my parasoy. I don't have that happen very often so I guess I may have overlooked the obvious. I don't have another blend that I use for these situations but I like the scent so much I will do whatever it takes.:)

    Without giving out any secrets would anyone be willing to share at least what wax this fo really works well in? Thanks!

  3. how are you using it?

    I use it in my melts currently which is a parasoy and get a nice medium throw but it definately doesn't knock me over (which is how I like them :)). I have tried it in my normal candle combo which is also a parasoy and got a decent cold throw but absolutely no hot throw.

  4. For those of you that use Fall Festival are you getting a strong throw (hot or cold) from it. I adore this scent but I cant get a strong throw from it...medium at best. I use it for personal use because of this but would love to be able to add it to the store if I could improve the throw. Any suggestions?

  5. Maybe you're right about me burning too soon, because I noticed the melt pools were enlarging much too fast and faster than they normally would have. Well, this is a sticky wicket because if a customer burns a candle, blows it out to run to the store, comes back a couple or hours later and relights the candle they'll get smoking or drowning wicks or a too-fast melt with insanely hot glass? :( When I buy a candle I like to burn-extinguish-burn-extinguish several times all in the same day, myself. Or do you still have this problem when your candles are a few days or weeks old? I think I've been able to burn-extinguish-burn-extinguish close together in the same day with my candles that cured longer...hmmm... not even sure now, my brain is tired of this testing madness.

    This phenomenon usually only occurs when I am doing power burns. I am an extreme power burner when I test just to be sure they are going to be safe when in the hands of customers. If I am only lighting them for a couple hours blowing out, lighting and blowing out I rarely have these problems. I should probably also note that I only experience this on my double wicked jars. I have had the same experience though with some of the bigger name double wicked candles as well...mainly the slatkin ones. Love them, but I have to adjust my burning of them when I see the wicks starting to struggle.

  6. I feel your frustration with all of this testing, remelting and more testing and remelting. I use a blend of 6006 and parrafin but I am never able to make it more than a day before testing...at least just for the burn. I think for the most part this is sufficient but my trouble comes in after that. I usually start my tests in the morning so the first round is done around 11 or 12, but my quandry is when to do that second burn. Every time I break down and retest that same day (unless its late in the day) my wick data gets all thrown off. It almost always melts much quicker therefore ending in drowning wicks or a huge melt pool too early with outrageously hot glass....when will I ever learn :) Now, if I take that same candle and wait till the next day for the wax to be thoroughly cooled I can either have the same experiences or a great success. There have been many times when I would have thrown out a successful candle combo if I would have based my results on tests done too close together.

    That being said I don't think burning too early should cause all that smoking...that definitely sounds like more of a wick/wax combo issue. But, given that I'm not an expert I could be wrong. Maybe if your wicks aren't smoking, just drowning, try waiting a bit longer for them to really cool and test again. Not sure if it will make a difference but it couldn't hurt:)

  7. I love those jars. I have seen them before there and have thought about trying them out from time to time as well. They are very similar to ones that home interiors used to carry. I still remember their pumpkin pie or harvest candle in that jar...used to be my all time favorite candle growing up. If they used jars like this back then im assuming they were using zincs...but who knows what kind of wax they used. Whatever they used it worked because that candle had incredible HT.

    I don't use your wax but I would be willing to test that jar out with my wax and share my results. It is just so neat for fall:)

  8. Oh please don't let my nose stop you from trying it. This is the first oil I have gotten from her that I have been disappointed in...but not because I don't like it, only because it doesn't smell like what I thought it would. That being said I think my sniffer might be a little off lately because I have a small cold so that's why I thought I would see what everyone thought:)

  9. I love to get a candle or soap every once in awhile just for comparison. I think it's fun to try them out...until one turns out to be better than mine, then i'm bugged:)

  10. I have been wanting to try my hand at making my own silicone molds for quite a while now and have decided to bite the bullet.

    Does anyone have any recommendations on where the best place is to purchase liquid or pourable silicone. My favorite molds are from candles and supplies...they are light purple and very flexible. I think it is rtv 107-soft silicone. There are quite a few places online that sell it but because I have never heard of any of these places i'm a little nervous to purchase from them.

    I appreciate all of your help:grin2:

  11. It's so easy for us all sometimes to get caught up in and focus on the negative experiences we have so I thought for a change I would take the time to share a really nice encounter I just had with Aztec.

    I have only ordered from them once before, probably a year or two ago, and when I received my products something was damaged and they gave me a credit wihch I completely forgot about. Well, I just placed an order with them during this last sale and got a call from them today to let me know that I had money coming and that they would be refunding the cost of my last order plus whatever else was left on my credit.:yay:

    Honesty and integrity are so important to me, and so for them to do that when I would have never been the wiser speaks volumes. I really hope I like their oils because they definitely have a new fan:)

  12. I wish I knew your secret blacktieaffair:) I am one of those unfortunate souls that have smelly feet tarts in a couple of months with certain vanilla and/or cinnamon based fos. Thankfully it doesn't happen with all of them and only happens in my clamshells. I have the ellipso portion cups from the webstaurant store and have had some of those same scents in my closet as a control group of sorts for about 6 months now and they still smell as good today as the day that they were poured:) It could very well just be something in my system that is causing this though. I still use the clamshells as my primary tart "container" though because they look very professional and are really easy to dispay and store.

  13. Do either one of them have a lemony hint to them? I am not opposed to mixing but I have yet to find a pound cake or bakery lemon that I absolutely love. CS Lemon Chiffon is the best I have found so far but just isn't as strong as I would like. And as far as the pound cakes go none that I have tried have been strong enough for me unless I use a high fo load but then the scent seems to change into something weird.

    Lorelei- Bummer about the 7-up pound cake. I dug it out today and although I still do really like the scent its definitely not it. I have a couple of fo that I love from moonworks and this smell kind of reminds me of her scents. Its complex and super rich. Thanks for the ideas though:)

  14. I hope I can find someone who has a dupe of this because it is so good even just sitting on my counter unlit. I can't stop myself from walking by it all day long just to get a whiff. I actually have 7-up pound cake from ng somewhere in my stash that I'll have to dig up in the morning. If I remember correctly it might have some of the same notes but like nmhoneybear it is very unique.

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