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Posts posted by glowworm

  1. If you want to pursue it, you can send Libbey one of those jars, and if Libbey says that's not their jar, then you can call the Jar Store, demand to speak to a manager, and tell them that if they don't refund your money, your next call will be to the Attorney General's office to report them for fraud, and I have no doubt you'll get a refund...been there, done that! just not with the Jar Store...yet. lol

    Oh my goodness, you are too funny! I know now what I received was not right but I have a really hard time playing hard ball with companies/people when they are nice when confronted with complaints. I guess if I were out a ton of money I would push harder but i'm such a wimp. Now my husband on the other hand will spend an hour on the phone to get a $1.00 charge taken off a bill if he feels he was overcharged. He says it's the principle not the amount that matters...I know he's right but my spine is broken (hahaha). So most of the time he has to do my dirty work...I affectionately call him my pooper-scooper-upper. LOL

  2. Thank you Horsescents for all the info. After reading your response I'd bet my bottom dollar that that's what happened. When I called them this afternoon they said that these were made overseas so that could account for the discrepancy but that was all they could think of. They were very nice about it but I'm still sooo disappointed. They said I could return them but by the time I pay for shipping it just wouldn't be worth it...oh we'll. I guess I will try to order just one at a time from a couple of other sources and see what I get. :)

  3. After several years of messing around with different styles, shapes and sizes of jars I keep coming back to the Libbey jars I get from Hobby Lobby. The only problem is they are too expensive to use for anything other than in my own store and for family and friends. I do buy them when they are 50% off and use my tax exempt card but they still end up costing $3.00 per jar.

    In an attempt to lower my cost I decided to order a case from the jar store that were suppose to be exactly the same but were over $1.00 cheaper per jar including the shipping. Well, I got them today and they were absolutely disgusting. The glass was a weird, almost grey in color, and were noticabely thinner. They also all had a seam running up one side and the plastic fitaments in the lid were all brittle which made the lids loose. To top it all off they weren't even exactly the same shape...the new ones were taller and not as wide.

    Is this common? I was under the impression that a Libbey jar was a Libbey jar and didn't even give it a thought that I would have to worry about this. Any thoughts or suggstions????:undecided

  4. I use the same ellipso cups and occasionally package them in the gussetted bags that RE/AH sells. They fit 3 in them perfectly and are really cute with a hang tag and some ribbon. They also travel and ship quite well and are easy to display. When I do these I usually will make up little scent combos in them of my favorites/best sellers. Like a bakery trio of bnb, caramel sticky buns and cranberry cookies. HTH:)

  5. What kind of wax are you using? It looks like you might have a few things going on...the top of it looks like a little mottling, the way bottom ? I couldn't get the pic to enlarge but if you would elaborate on the main parts of your system someone should be able to help you:)

  6. Well, the mold that you have now is useless unless you don't mind the look you are getting currently. I called them when I realized what the problem was and she said that she had gotten a bad batch of silicone so she sent me two more as replacements but these came with the same darn bubbles. The interior of the molds kind of remind me how one of those pore strips look after peeling it off my teenagers nose...gross but very acurate. Now, I don't like to complain to companies but these were rather expensive and I really liked them so I called again and once again she sent two more out and after a month of being lost in the mail I finally received them and they were exactly the same...completely useless. I just couldn't get past how the finish product looked...the bubbles had made a ton of little indents in the votives that were impossible to remove.

    I must say she was very nice to deal with but I just don't understand after the first two why they didn't check them out before sending them to me....and it wouldn't have taken much checking because you can see them plain as day peppered all over. Needless to say I just gave up...too bad too because I can't find anything similar anywhere else. :(

    I think you are right! It's definitely not smooth inside; it's very realistic with lots of little bumps and tiny tiny bubbles. So I think maybe the teeny little raised bumps all over don't show enough of the color and make it look like a whitish/clear wax instead of the tan. I think that's it. So I guess there is no way to fix it, huh? I had tried using the heat gun and that kinda made it look worse. Oh well, guess I can't be a perfectionist on this one :)
  7. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a video out there somewhere of this process. I am a very visual person so actually seeing it done will help a great deal. I have been messing around with this for a while now (just for personal use) and am still not confident that I am doing it right. The 3" pillars seem to be doing ok but I just made a 5" 3 wick pillar that just blew out on me so now i'm scared. I have read all of the posts I could find on this subject and have been following Stella's method of cutting a disk out of the center and shoving the pieces down into the molton wax and repeating until it fully sets up. Then I either do a repour if needed into the sunken center or just heat it with a heat gun.

    This is the first air pocket I have ever encountered and let me tell you I hope it is the last...thank God I was close by when it happened...Yikes!

    TIA :o

  8. They are 2oz cups and I get mine from the webstaurant store. Mine have that same little rim but I just use that to secure the labels. The label I use is 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 so I just center the label and press them on along the edge. Even though I don't press them down firmly in the center I don't have any problem with them falling off...they lay nice and flat. You can use the smaller label and affix them to the inside of that rim but I just personally like the look of the larger one. But I use a picture on most of mine so that extra size really makes a difference.

  9. I've been gone for a bit but just in case you are still wanting to label them separately I use Avery glossy white oval labels #22804. I get mine from office max or depot...whichever one has the best deal. If you wait for a good sale they are very reasonable. Another way you can package them is with the drawstring baggies from RE. You can fit three of them in there perfectly and just tie a cute tag on the drawstrings. HTH

  10. I am by no means an expert either having only done a couple but from what I have experienced I vote for full consumption. I have done a few palm triple wicked and wicked them so I would have a nice shell so the flame would illuminate it throughout the burn. Well, I thought I had won the lottery when on my first attempts they burned so beautifully for the first 3/4 but then decided to have blow outs the size of Texas spewing wax all over (not to mention the 3" flames that where whipping around inside the shells.

    Maybe someone else will chime in with more experience but the next time I try one I am definitely going to wick for full consumption so this doesn't happen again...it was very scarey. But that was with palm so the desired result with say parrafin might be very different.

  11. Just wanted to note that in case anyone wonders what the crisca jar looks like it is almost identical to the roly poly jars that peak sells. I get mine from walmart when they are on sale and really like them but would like to have a matching larger jar to offer if I decide to add these.

    I would have added a link or a picture to this to make it easier but dont have a clue as to how to do it. I'll keep trying to tinker around to see if I can figure it out.:)

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