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Posts posted by TartAddict

  1. See, now I've confused everyone :D

    I add 16 oz of solid wax to my presto (I like to do 4 different scents (4oz a scent) at a time for my tarts)...melt it, then tare the scale with the pyrex (which is my pour pot), and add my wax to the pyrex on the scale until I get 4 oz on the scale. Right??

    How come all the candle books don't EVER mention all the math, LOL? Just melt, color, fo, and pour....voila..a beautiful candle. :rolleyes2 HAH! Good thing I have you guys for the REAL scoop on candlemaking!!!

  2. Hi all :)

    Okay, I think I've thouroughly confused myself! I've been weighing my wax by the ounces on my pyrex. I've been tarts (so 4 oz makes 4-1oz tarts). So I knew that 4oz of wax=5 fl oz and so I'd measure to the 5. Now, I've read that you should weigh your wax after adding it to your pour pot to be accurate. When I weighed the melted wax (and yes, I tared the scale prior to weighing the wax in the pour pot), it was at 5...but now I'm wondering if maybe I have to much wax?? My scale weighs in oz (not fl oz.)...shouldn't I be weighing out 4 ozs of wax. Stupid math. Who knew candlemaking would make me use my math so much! Help? Thoughts?

    Thank you from a seriously math challenged candlemaker :)

  3. HI all :)

    One of my good friends gave me one of her old silicone molds for brownies. I thought it would be fun to make some tarts with it (it's a 4 cavity). I love the idea of putting "frosting" on top. How would I do that? I figured I'd have to dye the wax for the frosting a bit darker, and scent it the same. Would I try waiting until the wax is a bit cooler and "whip" it before I put it on the tarts (and would I slather it on rather than pour..I'd like a thicker frosting, not like the cinnabun icing)? I'm making the tarts with a container/pillar wax combo. Any thoughts?

    As always...thanks :D

    Edited: P.S. Any color suggestions would be greatly appreciated too!:)


  4. Hi all :)

    I've been trying to find bigger tart molds. So far the biggest I've found are the 2 1/4" in diameter (lonestar). I bought a dozen and they're not nearly deep enough for me and don't quite make the tarts as big as I want them. Any suggestions on where I could buy bigger sized tart molds? I'd appreciate it :) Thanks!


  5. Hi all!

    I was searching through threads in my ongoing attempt to increase the throw in my tarts :) I read where one person added vybar to her OK6228. I have been using a 50/50 6228 + J223 blend, but am leaning more towards more 6228 since I don't like the softer tarts. I know that OK6228 is a pre-blend, and I'm wondering if adding vybar anyway would help increase scent throw at all? Any thoughts? Thanks guys :)


  6. Talk about timing :) I was making tarts this afternoon and had enough wax left in my Presto for one more batch....the doorbell rang and it was the UPS guy with my Amish Harvest! Whoo hoo! I did .5 oz in 6 oz of wax (all I had left). The cold throw is fabulous, I'll try burning it tomorrow! Thanks so much for your opinions!

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